Playlist - Act 1

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Connecting Dots-Kate Bollinger
"I grew acquainted with not hearing myself, the commotion became my devotion."

Mind over matter-Young the Giants
"And when the seasons change, will you stay by me?"

What once was-Her's
"I was at the point where all I really wanted was someone, and now I'm hanging on, I was at the end of every tether waiting for what once was."

Bleached-video days

About you-The 1975
"Well it's something about you that now I can't remember."

She needs him-Her's
"Don't say that she needs him."

Grapes-James Marriott
"She says he doesn't want her,he just needs a friend...he begs for her attention when he's feeling down."

In my room-Chance Peña
"You play the part of a soul missing home"

Back to the old house-The Smiths
"And you never knew,how much I really liked you."

Theres a light that never goes out-The smiths
"To die by your side, well the pleasure, the privilege is mine."

Dummy-Portugal the man
"You can count on me! 1,2,3,4 everybody get on the dance floor!"

On your side-The Last Dinner party
"You smiled so sweetly as you threw me down the rocks into the seaweed, you thought that I could fly."

Birds don't sing-TV girl
"Girls don't call and they never tell you why, that's just how they say goodbye. Goodbye"

Link to the playlist (with additional songs ☺︎︎)

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