Chapter 49: Concussions

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A month had passed since Theo and I argued, and it was now the end of October. Things have gotten better, but there's a sort of awkward tension between us, as if he were hiding something from me. Well, not as if; I know he is. I keep trying to coax it out of him, but he refuses to budge, and he only ends up more irritated.

I've been experiencing intense migraines for the past month paired with nightmares that refuse to let me get even a wink of sleep. I trudge through my day, praying that I don't fall asleep in class and just hoping that I can get my work done. Few people, and even those who notice, rarely have a thing to say.

Astoria and Daphne had been mostly ignoring me recently, and with that came Lorenzo as well. It hurt for sure, but I was almost grateful about it. Astoria had become insufferable recently and was only the shell of the girl I once knew. I hated it and I hated the probable reasoning behind it all. It had to be Voldemort.

I open the door to my dorm and notice Astoria packing all of her belongings, deep in thought. I look at her in confusion and close the door behind me.

"What are you doing?" I ask, leaning against one of the posts of my bed.

She looks up at me in surprise, "Oh, Vivian, I didn't hear you walk in." She chuckles.

I look at her and her stuff awkwardly, waiting for her to answer my question. She doesn't.

"Why are you packing?" I ask again, softer this time.

"I'm getting a new dorm." She replies, her voice slightly shaky, "Figured it wouldn't hurt since I'm already rarely here anyways, and when I am you wake me up with those dreadful night terrors of yours. Speaking up, you should see Promfrey or a sleep specialist. It's worrying me how little sleep you're getting." She rambles, packing the last of her things.

My eyebrows furrow at her response, "Like you'd care." I mumble under my breath.

"For your information, I do care, Vivian. Even though things are...different this year, I still care for you. You're my best friend. Trust me when I tell you I'm doing this for your benefit." She sasses.

"My benefit? How is this my benefit? You've hardly paid any attention to me all year not to mention avoiding me, and I'm still your best friend? Best friends don't do that!" I argue, my headache worsening.

She scoffs, "I wish I could tell you why, but I can't. Just know it's for your good!" She hisses, stepping closer to me.

We both meet in the middle of our dorm and continue arguing, neither one of us wanting to back down. If there was one thing we both had in common was our refusal to accept defeat. We were both incredibly determined and hard-headed.

"Oh really? No one seems to be able to tell me everything nowadays!" I screech, throwing my hands around like a crazy person.

"Well sorry that we literally can't! Stop being such a brat and just mind your own business! You'd be better off if you did!" She shouts.

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