Chapter 54: Library Studying

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Today was going to be a busy day, which was kind of annoying since it was a free day. I didn't like being busy on days that weren't meant to be so.

To start, I had to meet Draco in the morning to continue the next few steps of the potion. Then, I had to meet Hermione and Harry in the library to find a book for a class and some other reason I received no explanation for. Finally, I had to prepare for tonight's sleepover. Today was going to be...interesting to say the least.

I wake up around eight, so I have the most time possible. I slip on some fleece-lined tights, a skirt, and a cardigan. I didn't really feel like doing anything fancy with my hair or makeup today, so I did the bare minimum.

I gently wake up Theo and start cleaning up my room. He had a weekend Quidditch practice at nine-thirty this morning since they lost the game yesterday. Thankfully he'd be done around five for the sleepover, so I had a good amount of time on my hands to prepare. With him out of my hair, I'd be a lot more productive.

I kiss him on the cheek as I head out to the secret brewing classroom. As soon as I push the door open, I spot Draco. He's leaning against the counter with a book in his hands. As soon as he notices my presence, he shuts the book and stuffs it into his bag.

"Took you long enough." He scoffs.

I roll my eyes, "I'm a busy woman, okay?"

"Uh-huh..." He mumbles, crossing his arms.

"I literally had to wake Theo up, make sure he got ready and got to practice on time. I'm basically a mum at this point." I deadpan.

"Oh yikes." He hisses.

"Yeah. What are you reading?" I ask, curious.

"Nothing. Just something stupid." He shrugs.

I raise an eyebrow, "Okay..." I trail off, flipping to the potion page, "Can you get the Murtlap?"

Draco nods to my request and gets the ingredients from the cupboard we were using to store everything. It was essentially the only one in the room that wasn't deteriorating.

"What do I do?" He asks, setting it down on a chopping board.

I grab a knife and hand it to him, "Chop up that anemone-looking thing on it then add it to the cauldron and stir." I instruct, pointing to the weird growth.

He immediately starts on the step while I grab the next ingredient, "After we do this, we won't be able to do the next steps 'till after break." I announce, watching him prepare the murtlap.

He scrapes the plant into the cauldron and stirs cautiously, "I'll be staying here over break for the most part, so I can tend to it."

I nod, "I might be able to as well. I still have no clue where I'm going." I sigh as I add a dash of the tincture and thyme into the cauldron.

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