Journey of Vinny McMillan, twin sister of Ernie McMillan, a talented seer. This story starts in 4th year and goes to the end of 7th.
Multiple characters x OC/reader (Mostly Theo Nott though)
There is smut in this book, but there is a warning before...
A/N: Here's the dress she picked out, but if you want to imagine something different you are free to do so!! The other girls dresses will be posted later in the chapter! I'm splitting this chapter into two parts but am double uploading!!
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The day had finally come. Tonight was the Yule Ball and I was so excited, and a bit nervous as well. Seeing as my date was one of the competitiors, we had to dance together for the first dance. Along with the other competitors of course. My lessons with Theo helped me improve a lot, but it didn't make me any less nervous. I just hoped that someone would be worse than me. After all, everyone was going to be watching us and I didn't want to be the worst one out there. Knowing Harry though, it'd probably be him.
Also, since today is the Yule Ball, it also means its Christmas! I was sad that I wasn't going to be able to spend the day with my family at home, but I'm also excited to spend it with my friends this year. I made sure to sneak off to hogsmeade alone to get gifts for everyone. I already left my gift for Ernie in his dorm since I probably wasn't going to see him till tonight.
"Okay," I start, sitting down in my usual spot in the great hall, "I got gifts for everyone and I'm giving them to you now because I probably won't see you all until later tonight, so~ yeah."
"V, you really didn't have too-" Pansy starts before I cut her off.
"Shhh just accept it." I begin to pass around the gifts to everyone at the table, and as soon as they receive them, they begin to open them.
For the girls, I got Pansy a new vial of her favourite perfum, Astoria some new nail polish's and a copy of her favorite magazine, and Daphne a new purse. For the boys I got Draco a couple new rings, Enzo a new watch, Matteo a new cologne that Blaise told me he liked, a new jumper for Blaise and then for Theo I got him a few books since Blaise also told me that he enjoyed classical muggle literature. I thought that was pretty interesting.
"How'd you know I liked Reading, Vinny?" Theo asks me, a smile on his face.
"Yeah, and how'd you know what cologne I wear?" Matteo adds in, confused.
I just shrug and try to act mysterious, but my act's ruined by Blaise running his big fat mouth.
"Oi! Give me credit! She asked me for help, that's how she knew." I roll my eyes in response and begin to eat my breakfast.
As soon as we all finish our breakfast, we split up to get ready. Well at least us girls decide to start getting ready. I'm pretty sure the boys went off to either bully some first years or do some other stupid stuff.
"Okay, okay, so the ball starts at eight pm and it's currently...twelve? Oh Merlin, we have absolutely no time!" Astoria shouts, throwing her hands up in the air.