Chapter 46: An Unpleasant Shift

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As soon as Theo and I part ways, I walk up the stairs and open the door to my new dorm. I was lucky enough to get paired with Astoria again in the same spacious room model as last year. After all, as of recently, I hated to be alone during the night, so it seemed something was finally working out in my favour.

As soon as I open the door, I'm immediately yanked into the room as the door is slammed shut behind me.

"Excuse me-" I start before being cut off by Tracey Davis. Tracey Davis?!

"Shh! I haven't much time to explain things, but you must listen!" She begins, an urgent look on her face, "You cannot trust Astoria...much less the rest of your friends, believe me." She scoffs.

"I- What?" I ask, confused. I had rarely talked to the girl and now here she was in my dorm, trying to warn me of my friends.

She lets out a huff of annoyance, "If you want details, you'll have to find me at a later date, but for now just don't tell them anything. When I say anything, I mean anything." She instructs, gripping my shoulders tightly, shaking me aggressively. Was this girl crazy or something?

"But-" I start, eyes wide.

"No time for banter! I must be going; She'll be back any moment..." She rambles, eyes darting around the room in a paranoid manner, "Find me when you're alone and I'll gladly fill you in. For careful." She warns, rushing out of my dorm.

I don't even have a moment to react or better yet, stop her. As soon as I snap back into reality, she's already gone. I open my mouth and close it. What the hell was that? I shake my head and begin to unpack my things, waiting for Astoria to return to our shared dorm.

Maybe it wasn't a good thing for me to be paired with Astoria if her words are true. Maybe this was the Universe's way of cursing me once more.

"I just saw Davis rushing out of our dorm - What did she want?" Astoria asks with an unplaceable expression as she closes our door.

I jump a little at her sudden presence as I'm snapped from my thoughts, "Oh, um, she was just returning my sweater I left on the train." I smile, holding up a random sweater that I happened to be unpacking at the time of her entry.

"Oh...weird." She mumbles in annoyance, "Why'd you leave during the middle of dinner?" She presses, walking over to her side of the dorm to unpack, "Not to be like rude or anything, it was just weird."

"Harry and they wanted to talk to me about something. Nothing important really, just holiday plans. It was pretty stupid; they could've waited 'til a later date to talk about it to me." I explain nonchalantly. With what Tracey said, I decided to play it safe and hide the truth of things until I knew I could trust her.

With everything the Trio and Order were warning me about, not to mention Tracey for some odd reason, I thought I'd take precautions. The war between good and evil was drawing closer and as much as I wanted to trust my friends, I knew I couldn't. Their families did have affiliations with the Dark Lord, and whether I liked it or not, they could be spies, or worse, death eaters. I couldn't take the risk. Not yet anyways.

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