Journey of Vinny McMillan, twin sister of Ernie McMillan, a talented seer. This story starts in 4th year and goes to the end of 7th.
Multiple characters x OC/reader (Mostly Theo Nott though)
There is smut in this book, but there is a warning before...
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The next few weeks I had spent trying to prove my innocence to the trio, but they weren't too eager to believe me. Between the crowd I hung out with and the betrayal of Cho Chang, they didn't know what to believe. Yes, it was Cho Chang who betrayed our group. I thought that the enchantments cast on our paper had made it impossible to do so, but I guess she found a way to rat us all out. The real question was why.
Was it because she was pissed at Harry? Possibly, but he told me that they were back on speaking terms just before the incident. Perhaps she was forced. I'm not sure if we'd ever know why.
My disappearance right before the 'attack' on the room of requirement made not only the golden trio mad at me but also everyone in the club. No one would talk to me besides Ernie. He was the only one who believed me.
That wasn't the only horrible thing that had happened.
With our club found out and our name revealed to be 'Dumbledore's Army', the minister wasn't too pleased. He has already grown paranoid that Dumbledore was going to try and take him down, so this was just the tipping point. Dumbledore fled when Fudge made an attempt to send him to Azkaban and now Umbridge was Headmistress. Merlin save us all.
She started to make things ten times worse than before now that she had more power. She started by taking down all of the talking portraits in the halls and even enforced more seperation rules between the girls and boys, so it was ten times harder to hang out with Theo alone. At least in public that was.
Punishments were ten times more cruel and she allowed Filch to be in charge of most of them, which meant the return of some 'medieval' punishments. It was horrible. She even made the members of D.A. write lines for a whole week in her presence so she could bask in their groans of pain. She truly was the devil.
I vented to my parents through letters on how unbearable school was beginning to become. The only good thing was that I was one of her 'favourites'. She gave me fewer tasks to do now that she was busier as Headmistress and our meetings became less frequent. I just felt like a fraud which led to my depressing mood as of recently.
I poke around at my breakfast gloomily as everyone else at Slytherin's table is chatting.
"Don't be so mopey, V. It's not your fault that they were doing illegal activities now was it? If you'd ask me I'd say they're just idiots to be mad at you." Astoria states, rubbing my back.
"Yeah. It was Chang who snitched anyway. They're just a bunch of blithering gits." Blaise jokes and everyone laughs.
"Whatever," I mutter under my breath.
"I really don't know why you care though. You have us still." Pansy points out as she cuts up her pancakes.
"Yes, but it's different. They're still my friends. Wouldn't it upset you that your friends are pissed at you?" I snap.