Chapter 12: Dancing lessons

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As soon as my alarm rung, finally waking me up at a reasonable time, I shot out of bed feeling lighter than a feather. My sickness had apparated and I felt so productive. I took my time getting ready for the day and even took a shower. When the clock hit 7:30, I finally made my way down to the Great Hall, sitting with the golden trio for a change; specifically next to Hermione.

"So how-" I start before I'm cut off by the Patil twins who were walking by.

"Hi Harry!" They greet, both smiling.

He shoots them both a smile before turning back to his breakfast.

"Anyways, as I was saying-" I'm cut off once again, but this time by Hermione.

"I don't believe it! She's done it again!" Hermione states in disbelief, a scowl on her face as she looks at the daily prophet. I place my head in my hands in defeat. Suppose I'm not going to get a word in this mornin'.

" 'Miss Granger, a plain but ambitious girl, seems to be developing a taste for famous wizards. Her latest prey, sources report, is none other than Bulgarian bonbon Viktor Krum. No word yet on how Harry Potter is taking this latest emotional blow."

"You and Krum?! That's rich!" Ron says, chuckling while Hermione glowers at him.

"I just mean...I know you. Krum's famous." Ron replied in attempt to defend himself.

"Who's more famous than Harry Potter? And he's your best friend." She shot back, very much so annoyed.

"Yeah, well, that's different, isn't it?"

"Sure Ronald. Anyways, that not even the worst of the article... 'Miss McMillan has seemed to seduce Hogwarts very own Cedric Diggory, a boy showing great promise in the tournament. Could she possibly be scheming with the young Potter to take him and the rest of the competition down?' " Hermoine concludes, slowly looking up at me while placing the newspaper down.

"You're joking? You have to be joking! Bloody hell!" I shout, a concerned look on my face, "I mean, this could completely ruin me and Cedric's relation- friendship!!"

"Well I'm sure he doesn't beleive the word vomit Rita calls news, could be fine? Hopefully..." Hermione stated in attempt to reassure me. I just huff in defeat, putting my head down on the table.

"Parcel for you, Mr. Weasley!" A young boy says, handing Ron a package. I lift my head up, intrigued by what it could be. Hopefully it's another howler, they were very entertaining.

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