Chapter 14: Dress shopping

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A/N: Honestly, I lowkey was rushing through this chapter because of bad writer's block (I'm not good at writing about shopping and stuff), but I really want to post it, so sorry if it's a little iffy. Hopefully, I'll edit this chapter soon...

 Hopefully, I'll edit this chapter soon

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I woke up to the sound of my alarm blaring in my ear at 8:30am. Dress shopping. I shoot out of bed and jump onto Astoria's, plopping down right on top of her. To my surprise, it seemed I was more excited than she was. It was like we had been freaky friday-ed.

"VIVIAN!" She shouts at me, her heart pumping.

"Astoria get up! It's like Christmas basically!" I shout at her, excitement coursing through my veins. I may hate a lot of things, but I do love shopping! I just like it a little less than Astoria and only at select times.

"Give me like five minutes-" She mutters as she shoves me off her bed. I land with a harsh thud on the ground. I sit there for a moment, plotting my revenge before I aggressively rip the sheets off of her bed.

"VIVIAN LOUISE MCMILLAN YOU ARE SO DEAD!" She shouts, throwing herself off her bed and onto me.

"No! Wait Astoria, I'm sorry, I'm sorry!" I yell, trying to get her off of me before she does the inevitable.

Luck is not on my side this morning seeing as Astoria begins to tickle me viciously. Oh Merlin, how I hate being tickled.

"A-Astoria please~ MERCY MERCY!" I scream, attempting to shove her off of me.

"Fine...but only if you buy me a butterbeer after shopping." She negotiates.

"Fine! Fine!" I yell out, and she rolls off of me.

"Now get ready, V, were going to be late if you keep lying on the floor like a fish." She teases, heading over to her wardrobe to pick out her outfit of the day.

"I- fine." I mutter out grumpily, picking myself up off the ground. It's almost as if she forgot that she was the one who wouldn't get up this morning not me. That little gas lighter.

I walk over to my wardrobe and stare at my clothes for a moment in an attempt to figure out what I want to wear for the day. I end up changing into some low-rise flare jeans, a white and navy striped long sleeve top and a navy-blue zip up. I also grabbed a scarf and hat for some extra warmth. After all, December was one of the coldest months. As soon as we finished getting ready, we both went downstairs to join our friends for breakfast.


"I thought we were going to sit without the boys this morning, Daph!" Astoria complains as she spots the boys sitting with Daphne and Pansy. She plops down on the seat next to her sister with a hum of annoyance.

"I- We tried, but they wouldn't leave us alone!" Daphne whines out, resting her head on the table.


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