Journey of Vinny McMillan, twin sister of Ernie McMillan, a talented seer. This story starts in 4th year and goes to the end of 7th.
Multiple characters x OC/reader (Mostly Theo Nott though)
There is smut in this book, but there is a warning before...
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I wake up with a smile already etched onto my face. Today was Valentine's Day, aka one of my favourite holidays. I sit up and stretch before getting out of bed and heading over to the bathroom to begin getting ready.
I carefully unbraid my hair and finger comb the waves out before grabbing my flat iron to curl my curtain bangs. I wash my face and do a natural makeup look. To be extra fancy, I add some smudged eyeliner with a light pink shadow.
I step out of the bathroom to grab my clothes before locking myself in the room for the last time. I slip on my tights, pink slip dress, sweater and shoes and step out. I check the time and notice I have twenty minutes to spare, perfect.
"Astoria," I call, gaining the blonde's attention.
She gazes at me from the bathroom, midway through curling her hair, "Yeah?"
"I'll be right back, I'm going to go deliver some Valentines." I smile.
"Alright!" She nods before her smile falters, "Wait, where's mine?" She asks, faking an insulted tone.
I roll my eyes playfully, "Girl, I put it on your nightstand. Didn't you see it when you woke up?" I inquire.
"No, of course I didn't if I'm asking you!" She jokes with a laugh.
I smile and shake my head, "I'll be back."
I skip through the halls to the boys' dorms after delivering Daphne and Pansy's little gifts. I knock on Blaise, Enzo and Draco's dorm twice before Draco opens the door, rubbing his eyes.
"I told you to- Oh hey, V, what's up?" He asks, surprised to see me there.
"Oh I just came on by to drop off some gifts. Who were you expecting?" I question.
He groans and rolls his eyes, "Matheo and Theo. They've been 'ding dong ditching' us or whatever it's called all night. I'm bloody ready to knock their teeth out if I'm being honest, but thanks for the gifts. That's sweet of you." He smiles, holding his arms open for a hug.
I gladly accept and practically tackle him to the ground in a spine-crushing embrace. Draco Malfoy was not one for hugs, so I was lucky to be offered one. It's like I was the chosen one
"Woah woah woah!" he shouts, trying to pry me off of him, "That's enough of that."
"Oh hell no!" I exclaim, tightening the hug.
"Blaise, help?!" He shouts as Blaise walks out of their bathroom.
"No. You desperately need some TLC. Besides, a hug won't kill you." Blaise asserts, walking over to his bed to grab his portable camera, "Smile!!"
"Blaise don't you dare-"
"I think Theodore would love to see this, what do you think?" Blaise teases.