Chapter 56: Winter

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A dark fog rolled over the castle grounds as I roamed the empty halls in a haze. As soon as I snap back into consciousness I pause to survey my surroundings. I look at my hands and feet and realize I'm walking barefoot in a white nightgown, bandaids on my arms and a large bandage wrapped securely around my waist. I raise an eyebrow and frown at my state, but move past my appearance.

I look at the portraits and they all are fuzzy, I can't make out who are what they are. It was strange. The stone floors are cold and I feel a cool breeze dance through the corridor. It was quiet. Too quiet and in a way it was eerie. Something felt off.

I walk through the halls as if an invisible string was pulling me along. Eventually, I find myself creeping up the stairs of the astronomy tower where a sense of dread fills my body. It was uncomforting and I despised the feeling, it was almost choking me.

My fingers lightly trail against the railing as I climb the steps, occasionally looking below me and the fog-covered steps. When did that get here? Perhaps it was meant as a barrier to prevent me from returning to my starting point. I was meant to be here.

As I reach the final step, I notice Dumbledore standing by the rails, looking out into the distance. He was fragile and pale, his asking more saggy than usual. I could almost feel his life hanging on by a thin line about to snap at any second.

I gulp and approach him my voice coming out a mere whisper, "Professor?" I croak, edging closer.

Dumbledore turns around and as soon as his eyes meet mine I'm met with snake eyes similar to Voldemorts.

I gasp and futilely try to back away, but trip and fall. My eyes widen as Dumbledore's body morphs into Voldemorts, his limbs stretching and bending at unnatural angles. I continue trying to push away but am pulled up by my hair by none other than Bellatrix Lestrange who lets out a manic cackle.

"Leaving so soon?" Voldemort taunts, "You have yet to see the best part!" He grins.

I watch him through frightened eyes as I feel my limbs grow limp in her hold. Bellatrix's wand is shoved against my throat as the real Dumbledore walks up the stairs a blank expression spread across his features.

My vision grows hazy for a moment and I can't make sense of the situation. My eyes. What manages to snap me out of things is a green light impaling Dumbledore. He looks at me with melancholy eyes and a small 'help' before plummeting to the ground as devilish cackles fill the air.

I feel myself drop to the ground as I fall through the tower's floor to a graveyard. I push myself up and look around with a panicked expression.

"No- No, no, no!" I ramble, realizing the nightmarish state I was in, "Wake up! Wake up wake up wake up!" I plead with myself, pulling at my hair.

I pace back and forth, squeezing my eyes closed as I try and force myself to wake up. I know it's a bad dream, it has to be.

A hand shoots out of the ground in front of me and a scream tears through my body as I stumble backwards. Cedric Diggory claws his way out of his grave and stares at me through pained eyes. His flesh is falling off of his bones and maggots are eating away at his exposed skin.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 30 ⏰

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