Journey of Vinny McMillan, twin sister of Ernie McMillan, a talented seer. This story starts in 4th year and goes to the end of 7th.
Multiple characters x OC/reader (Mostly Theo Nott though)
There is smut in this book, but there is a warning before...
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"Wake up!" Ernie shouts as he flings the door to the attic open.
We shoot up from the bed, still tangled together. The blanket falls, revealing a shirtless Theo and me in my so-called' scandalous' sleep tank.
"Ah! Leave room for Jesus you freaks! Gah, Mum is so frowning upon you from Heaven you harlot!" Ernie scolds, covering his eyes with his hand.
I roll my eyes as Theo just lets out a hearty laugh at his insinuation. We definitely did not do any inappropriate activities last night, but it seems that Ernie is convinced we did.
"Relax, you're just jealous you're not getting anything." I tease.
Ernie groans, "You don't get it, we're waiting for marriage." He sasses.
"Who? You ad your invisible girlfriend?" Theo asks with a raise of his eyebrows. I cover my mouth with my hand as I stifle a laugh at his comment.
Ernie's jaw drops, "OH! I see how it is! You're so dead, pretty boy!" He shouts, jumping on the bed.
Theo's quick to jump out from under the covers and run out the door and down the stairs. Ernie's quick on his trail and I hear screams as the front door is slammed open, Mrs Wesley yelling at the boys who are causing a ruckus.
I shake my head as I stretch before, hopping out of my bed to pick out my outfit for the day.
Hermione pops her head into my room, "Why did I just hear like... a stampede rush the stairs?" She asks with a smile.
I turn to face her, matching her amused expression, "Ernie may or may not have made an inappropriate comment about me and Theo, so Theo retorted by taking a dig at the fact he was still single." I smile.
"Oh Merlin have mercy on him," She laughs, "Mind if I come in?" She asks.
I shake my head, "Not at all! In fact, I need help picking my outfit out."
"Oh, I'd love to!" She cheers, clasping her hands together happily as she plops down on my bed.
"Alright," I begin, turning to my closet to showcase the outfits I picked, "Ok,
So first we have this super cutesy yellow sundress," I start, holding up the flowy dress, "Option 2 is this cute blue tank with lace that I made this summer, thank you Mrs Weasly, and this denim skirt," I smile, placing the second option on the bed next to the yellow dress for Hermione to inspect, "And last but certainly not least...a cropped weird sisters tee and these jean shorts!" I finish, holding up the last option.
Hermione takes the third outfit from me, stands up and places it down on the bed to inspect them. She looks at each one and presses her finger against her lips.
"Oh gods, this is hard." She groans, turning to look at me.
"That's what I'm saying! It's hard to be so fashionable." I tsk, shaking my head.