Chapter 6: The Hospital wing

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As I slowly open my eyes, everything comes back to me. The Goblet of fire spitting out Harry's name, My incident with Theo...MY INCIDENT WITH THEO! My eyes snap open at this realization and I quickly sit up, well more like shot up. Apparently, this seemed to give Theo a fright seeing as he fell out of the chair he was sitting in next to my bed.

"Godric McMillan! You look fucking possessed!" He shouts from the floor, rubbing his head.

I rub my face and sigh before responding to the boy, "Probably because I just woke up? What'd you expect me to look like a pretty princess?"

He scoffed and rolled his eyes, "No, quite the opposite actually. I always envisioned you looking like a have similar features, y'know? Are you related to one?"

My face fell from its already unimpressed expression. I wake up from a particularly tiring ordeal and already have to deal with Mr.Nott's evil insults.

"That's not even funny," I respond dryly.

"Actually, it kind of is." Theo stood up from where he fell and moved to sit on my bed. Proximity wasn't something we normally shared, so I felt a tad awkward.

"Why are you so close to me- get away you freak." My eyebrows furrow as I scoot away from him.

"What- what happened last night, V? Like what actually happened." He inquired, his aura suddenly becoming as vulnerable and caring as the other night or whenever the event happened. I still wasn't sure how long I'd been in the hospital wing unconsious.

"I- nothing, I just get sick and pass's like a disorder or something...anemia maybe-, you'd really have to ask my parents. They're in charge of-"

"No, you looked- you looked can trust me, just...please."

I look at him, thinking of a reply. I couldn't just tell him, could I? It was well known his family, as part of the Sacred 28, were death eaters- or previous affiliates of the death eaters. Did their loyalties change since the last time Voldemort was around, during the first wizarding war? Could I really trust him?

"Theo...I can't tell you, it's complicated." I state, refusing to make eye contact with him.

"You can, I promise I won't tell a soul, please trust me, Vinny." He replied earnestly, placing his hand over mine.

I sighed. I really did need someone to confide in, someone who wasn't the Golden Trio or the Weasleys or even my parents, but they were too busy for me most of the time so it couldn't hurt to tell him, right? Should I have put my trust in Astoria or Pansy instead? Maybe, but for some stupid reason, I decided to trust Theo.

"I...I'm a seer. A bloody good one apparently. I can see vivid glimpses of the future, but with a price. Whenever I get these visions, I pass out and look...possessed, as you say, and my body gets all sick for a few days after. It varies based on the intensity of the vision itself. I'm not really supposed to tell anyone because Dumbledore doesn't want my ability to fall into the wrong's hands if he were to ever rise again, Merlin forbid. I mean, it could be horrible! For me, especially. Don't make me into an idiot for trusting you, Ted."

He studies me for a moment, taking in the information before replying, "I swear that I'll never tell a soul, Vinny, you have my word."

It was a seemingly genuine response. I trusted him, he gave me no reason not to. I mean, he's never actually betrayed me before. Only time would tell if I had made the right choice.

"So...first name basis, huh?" I teased with a smile.

"Oh shut it, we might as well be since you trusted me with this...secret of yours McMillan." He scoffed, as I laughed.

"For sure, Nott."

We were only in the Hospital Wing together for around two more hours, talking about random things like our summer vacations and what Quidditch team was the best before Madame Pomfrey walked in to check on me. She cleared me to leave, giving me medications and her recommended daily schedule for me to pursue for the next few days. Luckily today was Friday so I'd have the whole weekend to recover. She also gave me a note of excuse for Monday and Tuesday classes, so I wouldn't have to attend, and I wouldn't get a detention for skipping. She highly recommended that I don't go to them, but what would I do alone all day? It was the beginning of the year, so burnout hadn't quite hit me yet. I'd been in school for what...two days? One day? Great, this year was already starting off on the wrong foot.

Theo walked me back to my room in order to 'make sure that I was okay' and 'wouldn't pass out again', but I think he was just trying to be kind. I'd gotten the hunch that he actually liked me and was just pretending to be a snob and hate me.

Of course, when I arrived back in my dorm, Astoria was quick to pester me with questions about my whereabouts and such. I just replied back with my fake 'fainting situation' which shut her up for about a minute before she started questioning why I was with Theodore Nott. I love Astoria to death, but she's all about the drama and the 'tea'. She's up in everyone's business...which isn't necessarily a bad thing, it just can be annoying when you're hiding something, or just don't want to discuss a situation. At least she doesn't mind my ranting most of the time.

"I mean, I thought you liked Cedric Diggory! Now I see you with Mr.Ima Fuck your girl, and I'm just confused is all V! He doesn't seem like the type of guy That's all!" Astoria ranted, lying on her bed, painting her nails.

"I told you 'Storia, he was just escorting me back to our dorm, being a gentleman y'know?" I reply nonchalantly, heading over to my desk to find a note.

"Okay okay, okay...I'm just not too convinced. I read a lot, I mean a lot of romance books and articles, I'm knowledgeable on this type of stuff." She continued, looking up from her nails to see what I was doing, "Who's that from...loverboy?"

" it's from Neville." I respond, glancing over the message, "He was asking to hang out by the Black Lake about plants and stuff."

"Oh, I suppose that could be nice if you're into that type of thing." She replied, going back to painting her nails.

"Yeah, I'll probably go, a little fresh air's always good." I set down the letter and head to my wardrobe, changing into my pajamas. It was night by the time I made it back to my dorm, so there wasn't exactly time to do anything.

"I'm going to head to bed...I'm just tired. You can keep your light on, just turn it off when you're done." I state, tucking myself into bed and turning off my bedside light. Astoria nods in response, her focus on her nails.

It was easy to drift off to sleep, the visions always take away my energy so sleeps one of the only activities I can manage. As my mind slips into the dream world, my thoughts drift to Theo and our newfound friendship...that's all.


Word count: 1243
Published: 5/30/24

Edited: 7/30/24

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