Chapter 22: Defense against the Dark Arts

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The first day of classes came quickly, but I was quicker. Does that make sense? Probably not.

As soon as my alarm clock went off, I quickly rolled out of my bed and got on top of things. Today had to go well. I knew if I had a sour start to my year then a lack of motivation would follow right behind. We have some sort of testing this year...not sure what, but some important testing, so I can't be caught slacking. Merlin this year was going to be misery.

Me and Astoria got dressed and decided to skip breakfast in the Great Hall. We decided to make breakfast from our secret stash of food that we've hidden in our dressers. Food wasn't allowed in the dormitories for obvious reasons, but no one really obeyed that rule.

"Merlin I am not ready for today," Astoria comments while mixing sugar and milk into her tea.

"Neither am I, you want to know something amazing?" I ask sarcastically. Astoria tilts her head.

"I get to have Defense Against the Dark Arts first! My favorite, especially with that new professor." I joke, munching on a pastry.

"Oh Godric save you- she seems rather...horrid. I mean all pink? It's not even her shade! A lighter pink would suit her much better than that horrid hot pink she wore last night."

"For real. I'm just praying that she leaves after this year." I mutter.

There's a sudden knock at the door and me and Astoria share a look of confusion.

"I'll get it I guess." I volunteer, walking to open the door.

"Where the hell have you two been?" Matheo shouts as the door opens.

"...our dorm." I deadpan, looking back at Astoria.

He rolls his eyes, "Okay well duh, that's not what I meant."

"Then what did you mean?"

"Never mind that! We have Defense Against the Dark Arts and you're coming with me." He scoffs.

"Um what? No I'm not-" I start before he grabs my arm and pulls me out of the dorm.

"Hey! My bag's still inside!" I complain as we walk down the stairs.

He simply holds up my bag that he nicked while I wasn't looking in response, giving me a sassy look.

"How do you know my schedule anyways? That's slightly questionable."

"Doesn't matter." He mutters, "We're the only two, besides Crabbe and Goyle, from our friend group in the class."

"Theo's not in the class? He usually is." I ask, turning to look at him.

He shrugs, "Guess not."

"You're still holding my arm." I point out, looking at his hand that has a firm grip on my arm.

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