Chapter 30: A Meeting and A Warning

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Today was our last meeting before Winter Break and three days before examinations. Anxiety was building and I was nervous, but hopefully, today's meeting would be a good distraction. I could only hope so.

"Ok! Today we're going to begin by practicing the 'stupefy' spell, one we all probably know, in the dueling format before practicing the older spells we've been working on. So, Nigel, mind helping?" Harry inquires.

Nigel nods vigorously and rushes over to Harry. Nigel was like a mini-Harry in a way, eager to learn and equally as sassy.

Harry moves him into position before speaking once more, "Stunning is one of the most useful spells in your arsenal. It's sort of a wizard's 'bread and butter' really. So, um, come on then Nigel, give me your best shot." He instructs, standing a little bit away from him with his arms open, ready for the spell.

Nigel takes in a deep breathe before pointing his wand at Harry and commanding the spell.

"Stupefy!" He shouts, throwing the spell at Harry, knocking both of them backwards from the pure power of the incantation.

We all gasp at the effects, leaning to check on Harry. I walk over and help Nigel stand up, ruffling his hair, "Nice one Nigel." I congratulate, earning a proud smile from him.

"Not all. Well done, Nigel." Harry congratulates, helping himself up with a grimace. The spell that Nigel threw at him was pretty powerful, I could tell one day he'd become a skilled duelist if he continued learning and training.

Harry brushes off his hands before walking back in front of us, "Okay, any volunteers to go next? This time you'll duel, and winner gets...uh, a high five? I don't have much." He mutters with an awkward laugh. We all just look at him with blank faces.

Hermione's hand shoots up and Ron warily raises his after.

"Perfect! Hermione and Ron will start then, everyone split the room. We all walk to opposite ends of the room with excited looks etched onto our faces, this duel was sure to be good.

"Don't worry, I'll go easy on you." Ron assures, resting his hand on Hermione's shoulder.

"Thanks, Ronald." She scoffs, turning to walk to her spot as Ron does the same.

Neville walks between the pair awkwardly then walks back, signaling that the match may begin. Hermione and Ron take position and stare each other down for a moment before Ron decides to make a move. He opens his mouth to recite a spell, but before he can finish, Hermione's already casted hers.

"Stupefy!" She exclaims, sending Ron into the wall with a whimper of surprise.

Us girls all cheer and head over to congratulate Hermione on her Victory.

"I let her do that...figured it's good manners, isn't it?" Ron mumbles in defeat, walking over to the twins who just completed a bet. I shake my head at their antics.

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