Journey of Vinny McMillan, twin sister of Ernie McMillan, a talented seer. This story starts in 4th year and goes to the end of 7th.
Multiple characters x OC/reader (Mostly Theo Nott though)
There is smut in this book, but there is a warning before...
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"Expelliarmus!" Neville shouts, swishing his wand wildly at one of the dummies. His wand flings itself from his hand and flies backward towards all of us, forcing us to dunk or get beheaded before finally lodging into the wall.
"I'm hopeless," Neville comments with a frown as he turns to look at all of our shocked faces.
"You're- you're just flourishing your wand too much. Try it like this. Expelliarmus!" Harry commands, directing his wand at the dummy with more control than Neville. He successfully disarms the dummy before turning to Neville, "Make sense?"
Neville nods before turning to get his wand.
"I don't understand why we're starting with this spell. Lockhart taught it to us during second year. Wouldn't it be more useful to learn something, I don't know, more difficult?" Zacharias comments, his arms crossed as we all step forward in line.
"He didn't teach as much as he talked about himself, besides, it's an important spell that saved me in one of my battles against you-know-who, so it's important to master." Harry retorts and Zacharias just huffs in defeat.
We all take turns practicing the spell on the dummy before getting into pairs, so we have a bit better of practice.
"Okay Neville I'm ready." I assert with a nod, holding my wand out to 'pretend' to throw a spell him, adding a bit of realism.
He shakes out his nerves before pointing his wand at me. I'd be lying if I didn't say I was a little scared after seeing his wand impale the wall. I did not want that to be me next.
"Expelliarmus!" He shouts with control, causing my wand to fling out of my hand and hit Fred on the back of his head.
"Ow! What was that for?" He complains, rubbing his head before turning around to face us, "Oh you did it Neville, congrats mate!"
Harry walks over to us as Fred hands me my wand, "Look! Neville's mastered it! Show us, will you?"
Neville nods as I get back into my battle stance. He points his wand at me and take s a deep breathe, "Expelliarmus!"
My wand goes flying out of my hand again and I smile as everyone claps and cheers him on.
"Well done!" Ron congrats as he pats Neville on the back.
"I did it! I really did it!" Neville mutters in disbelief, a wide grin on his face.
"Never forget that spell, Neville. It could save your life one day." Harry says with a smile.
As the months drags on, we get closer and closer to Christmas break, and closer and closer to mid-terms. I was certainly not excited for those. Our meetings became more frequent, so we could learn more material before the break. Who knew if we would still be able to practice together when we came back. Umbridge could find a way to block us off from the room of requirement, you never know.