Chapter 10: The First Task

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Today was the day. The first task was going to commence, and I was nervous. Who wouldn't be? My two friends were going to be battling dragons. Dragons! I skipped breakfast this morning and hurried down to the victor's tent to wish Harry well, and of course Cedric too. I mean, in all honestly, it could be the last time I see them. After all, the cup was known for killing off participants.

I quickly take a peek through the tent flaps before slipping in when I get interrupted, "Well what do we have here?" A voice rings out, scaring me.

"Merlin Cedric, you frightened me!" I shout, placing my hand on my chest in an attempt to calm myself.

"Sorry, V- what brings you here?" He inquires, a smile forming on his face.

"I actually came to visit you and wish you luck...and Harry too." I smile, putting my hands behind my back and rocking back and forth. Damn nerves.

"Thanks! Mind giving me a..." He trailed off, pointing to his cheek, "Just for luck of course."

I roll my eyes and give him a little peck on the cheek...for luck, that's all. Our sweet moment was interrupted by a blinding flash of light. Rita Skeeter, a lousy excuse for a journalist.

"You're not allowed to be in here." Cedric deadpans, an unamused look on his face.

"Well neither is your little girlfriend, but she's here, isn't she?" Rita shot back, a smug look on her face.

"Actually I am allowed, I have permission, but I don't believe you do, so I'll be on my way to see Dumbledore now..." I state smugly, taking a step away before Rita stops me.

"No! Um...I'll be leaving now, no need to bother that busy man!" Rita quickly hurried out of the tent while I smiled and reveled in my victory.

"Did you really get permission?" Cedric asked softly, a confused look on his face.

"Oh no, that was a lie, but shhhh, don't tell anyone." I reply with a wink, holding my finger up to my lips.

Before Cedric can say anything in response, I see Harry and Hermoine walking over to us. She must've snuck in to see Harry. Great minds think alike.

"How are you two feeling?" Hermoine asked the two.

Cedric shrugged while Harry just nodded at her, whatever that means. I look around the tent and notice Fleur sitting in a meditative position with her eyes closed and Krum resting on a bench. They seem oddly calm, but I can sense the unrest within them.

"The key is to concentrate, after that you just have too..." Hermoine began before Harry finished her thought.

"Battle a fun." Harry sarcastically spoke, crossing his arms and looking at the ground.

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