Chapter 11: Common Room Celebrarion

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The common room was crowded with Gryffindors all cheering for Harry and his victory in the first challenge. He's greeted with high fives, compliments and pats on the back. Of course now everyone likes him. Even the girls are fawning over him.

"Knew you wouldn't die Harry!" Fred shouted, slapping him on the back a bit harshly, "Loose an arm..."

"A leg!" George chimed in, a grin on his face.

"Never." They concluded at the same time, merrily.

Seamus holds up the egg, inspecting it for a moment before handing it over to Harry.

"C'mon Harry! What d'you say?" He cheered.

"Harry maybe you shouldn't..." Hermoine interjected uncertainly. I give her a confused look before turning to Harry who was just inspecting the egg, flipping it around in his hands.

"We'll get on with it if you're going to open it!" I shout, growing impatient.

"Alright then..." he trails off, moving over to stand ontop of a table.

"Should I open it?!" He shouts, egging on the now crowd around him.

Cheers erupted from everyone in the crowd and strings of 'yes's are shouted. Harry smiles before placing his fingers on the groves of the egg. He pauses to look around at everyone, grinning before opening it. A horrible screeching sound engulfs the room causing everyone to cover their ears. Merlin, it was the worst sound I'd ever heard.

"Shut it! Shut it!" Fred shouts as loud as possible.

Harry snaps back into focus and quickly shuts the egg, causing the noise to cease.

"Bloody hell..." Ron mutters under his breathe. Saying what we all were thinking, "What was that??!"

Wait. Ron? When did he get here? I assumed he was still protesting Harry and him being in the tournament. We all look over to see him standing by the portrait hole, his hands slowing uncupping his ears. He begins to shift uneasily when he realizes we're all looking at him. He's never been one to want to be in the spotlight.

"Alright everyone!" Fred shouts, interrupting the awkward silence, "Go back to your knitting. This is going to be uncomfortable enough without all you nosy sods listening in!"

With that, everyone resumes their conversation, some trailing to the dorms or out of the common room while others stay put. Harry walks over to me and Hermoine, glaring at Ron in the process.

"I reckon you'd have to be barking mad to put your own name in the goblet of fire." He states, a look of slight understanding on his face as he puts his hands into his pocket.

"Caught on, have you? Took you long enough." Harry sassed, crossing his arms.

"I wasn't the only one who thought you'd done it, Harry. Everyone was saying it behind your back."

"Brilliant. That makes me feel loads better."

Great, now they were arguing. Why did I ever think for a second they would be doing otherwise.

"At least I warned you about the dragons!" Ron retorted, his face beginning to turn red.

"Hagrid warned me about the dragons, not you!"

"No, I did! Don't you remember? I told Hermione to tell you that Seamus told me that Parvati had told dean that Hagrid was looking for you, but Seamus never actually told me anything because it was really me all along. I thought we'd be, you know, alright again...once you figured that out." Ron replied with a shrug.

I just stare at Ron with a confused expression. I have no idea how to comprehend what he just said. It's just like the black lake again.

"How could anyone possibly figure that out? It's completely mental!" Harry shouts.

" 'Tis, isn't it? Suppose I was a bit distraught." Ron mumbled in defeat.

"Boys." Hermione scolded rolling her eyes, "Can we just be done now?"

They both nod their heads in agreement.

"Perfect! Now, I'm going to be heading to bed which you should all do as well. We can regroup in the morning at breakfast when we've all collected our thoughts and calmed done, sound good?" Hermione bossed, crossing her arms.

We all nod once again, too scared to scared to say anything. Hermione nods and rushes up the stairs.

"Well I suppose that's my cue to leave- see you all tomorrow!" I say with a smile, before hopping off to my dorm before either of them could get a word in. I'd been a long day and I was more than ready for sleep.


A/N: Shorter chapter, but the next one should be longer. We're almost to the Yule ball and I'm SO excited for that chapter!! I'm trying to post every day or every other day, but I've been trying to watch TUA to prepare for season 4 on Thursday! Yippee!
Love you all!!
Published: 8/6/24
Word count: 802

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