Chapter 24: Hogsmeade

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A month had passed since the term began, and we had all settled back into our school year routines. The first official Hogsmeade trip was tomorrow, and I was extremely excited. I couldn't wait to go shopping for new clothes and even go to Madam Puddifoot's tea shop if I could get someone to go with me. I hadn't got to go there last year like I planned so I didn't really know if it was a good spot or not, but I had heard so many amazing things about the shop. You got all sorts of teatime snacks and there was a wide variety of teas to taste from herbal to spiced. It was truly wonderful.

Unfortunately, before the trip I have to have my first official meeting with Umbridge. My free period was the last 'class' I had for today, so that's where I was currently off to. Hell.

I take in a deep breath before opening the door, and when I stepped in, I was in awe. Her office was completely decked out in various shades of pink, from the carpets to the walls and curtains. It was truly...interesting. She had a variety of China plates displayed on her wells with meowing kittens on them, they were quite adorable. I'd always been a cat person myself, so the moving portraits didn't bother me. It honestly reminded my of home in an odd way since we have four cats.

"Ah, Miss Vivian, please sit." Umbridge greets with a smile, motioning to the seats in front of her desk. They were pink plush armchairs and looked quite comfortable, "Tea?"

I sit down and place my bag down before looking up at her, "What flavor?" I ask shyly.

"Rose, it's quite lovely if I must say so." She informs with a tilt of her head.

"Yes then, I love herbal teas." I admit, trying to ease my nerves.

"That would make two of us, milk and sugar?" She asks, pouring the tea.

"Just a little of both."

She pours us both our cups and mixes in the other ingredients before placing my cup in front of me. I take a sip and immediately hum in delight.

"The tea's good. I love your tea set by the way it's very beautiful." I compliment. A little flattery goes a long way. At least in my books it does.

"Why thank you, dear. I'm glad you could make it today, I've noticed you've been particularly busy recently, yes?" Umbridge inquires with a tilt her head.

"Oh yes. The professors have been giving us lots of assignments in preparations for the OWL's. Although, it always seems that I have more work in my electives and charms than any other class." I assert, reminiscing over the past month. Most of my assignments had come from Divination, Arithmancy and charms. The other classes kept us busy mostly during classes and had a manageable amount of homework.

"Is that so? What electives are you taking?" She inquires.

"Divination and Advanced Arithmancy." I answer.

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