Journey of Vinny McMillan, twin sister of Ernie McMillan, a talented seer. This story starts in 4th year and goes to the end of 7th.
Multiple characters x OC/reader (Mostly Theo Nott though)
There is smut in this book, but there is a warning before...
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The next week was mostly spent avoiding the group of Slytherins that I had once called my friends. I had spent every meal sitting with either the golden trio or my brother's friend group, and honestly, it was kind of nice to be away from them. The only hard part was staying away from Astoria. Since we were roommates, we would see each other almost every night, but recently she'd been sneaking out to spend the night at Enzo's doing Merlin knows what.
Every now and then Astoria and Daphne would try to talk to me, but I ignored them if possible or gave them simple answers. I was still pissed about the little 'breakfast confrontation' last week. Potions was the worse since I still had Matheo who was arguably the most pissed at me. He discovered subtle methods to disturb me or sabotage my work, which was strange considering he had attempted to get close to me not long before. Boys.
I stayed busy studying with Hermoine, hanging out with Theo, and looking for a club room with Harry in my free time, which is what we were currently doing.
"At this rate, I think the shrieking shack may be our best bet." I huff in annoyance as we walk through the halls looking for any type of hidden room or secret passage, "Maybe the Chamber of Secrets could work?" I joke earning a laugh from Harry.
"Yeah, and the basilisk could be our teacher." He jokes back.
"Harry you won't believe this!" Angelina shouts as she rushes over to us, "That Umbridge woman...this is too much!"
"What's she done now?" Harry asks.
"Did she cancel Quidditch?" I gasp.
"Follow me." She instructs, waltzing down the hall with us following right behind her.
We stand before the grand hall, a new sign hanging amidst the others, while students murmur around us.
"All student organizations, teams, societies, groups and clubs are henceforth now disbanded. Permission to reform must be approved by High Inquisitor Umbridge. No student organization can exist without the knowledge and approval of the high Inquisitor. Any student found to be involved in an illegal organization will be expelled immediately..." Angeline reads out angrily, "This is bloody ridiculous! How can she even do this?"
"Luckily we got Quidditch reformed after going to Dumbledore about it." Fred suddenly speaks from next to us, tsking at the new rule.
I jump slightly, but sigh in relief knowing that Quidditch was saved.
"Yeah, but what about D.A?" Harry asks in alarm. We were pretty much screwed now.
With a sigh Harry grabs my arm and drags me off to the common room where Hermoine and Ron were currently writing an essay together.
"This isn't a coincidence!" Harry complains, pacing back and forth in front of the fireplace while me, Hermione and Ron sat on the couch and listened.