Journey of Vinny McMillan, twin sister of Ernie McMillan, a talented seer. This story starts in 4th year and goes to the end of 7th.
Multiple characters x OC/reader (Mostly Theo Nott though)
There is smut in this book, but there is a warning before...
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The next few weeks fly by as exams get closer and closer. I'm so horribly nervous about them, but what's really eating me up inside is what happened with the Golden Trio. It's been weeks and they still haven't given me the time of day. I feel like maybe they won't forgive me ever at this point. Perhaps it's for the better. If they don't want to accept my apology over something I didn't even do, then so be it. Merlin, why am I so insufferably bi-polar?
As I walk through the halls towards the library to study, I'm suddenly grabbed and pulled through a different corridor.
"What the-" I start before a hand clamps over my mouth.
"Shh!" A voice scolds, and I easily recognize it as Hermiones.
I look to my left and right and see that I'm being dragged by both Ron and Harry. Harry has a hold of my left arm while Ron has my right.
"Excuse but I-" I begin, an annoyed look on my face before Hermione cuts me off again.
"SHH!" She scolds, louder this time, "I promise I'll explain once we're out of the grounds." She whisper hisses.
I roll my eyes and let the boys escort me out of the castle and into the forbidden forest. Merlin knows why we're going into the forbidden forest. It was a risky move since that was one of Umbridge's most recent bans.
'No students are permitted into or around the premises of the Forbidden Forest unless instructed by the High Inquisitor or escorted by Mr Filch for detention purposes.'
It was a horrible new rule especially since we all loved to play games or have 'campouts' or host parties in the woods. It was dangerous, but so much fun.
As we get closer to the forest border I finally pipe up again, "Now can you tell me what's happening? I mean you ignore me for weeks over something I didn't do and then kidnap me? And sass me!" I argue in a pointed tone.
"Listen, we're sorry." Hermione starts, a trivial expression plastered across her features.
"We're sorry? Not to be picky but I think I deserve a better apology than that." I grumble.
Hermione lets out a soft sigh, "I'm sorry, V. We shouldn't have been so quick to misjudge you. I mean, we really have been horrible to you this year and I'm trying to do better." She explains, an upset look on her face.
"Yeah, I'm sorry too V. I mean I literally keep telling you that we need to stick together, then I go and ditch you. Merlin what's wrong with me." Harry groans awkwardly. Guess he wasn't used to issuing apologies.
Hermione looks at Ron who's looking around at the scenery. She elbows him in the side.
"What was that for?" He asks.
"Ahem!" Hermione signals looking at me and then at him.
"Me too? I didn't even do anything!" He complains.