Chapter 43: The Burrow

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The first month spent a the burrow was extremely awkward, to say the least. Ernie was trying his best to be positive, but quite frankly, I wasn't trying at all. How could it be that I am starting another school year after the death of more loved ones? Only this time, it was worse. Our parents, who meant more than anything to us, were now dead, leaving us alone in this world - or so it felt. We were orphans. It didn't feel real. It couldn't be real. I felt cursed.

The day after our parent's death was spent at the ministry, filling out paperwork and discussing what happened on that cursed night. If the ministry wanted to help us, they had to know every last detail. Being forced to relive that night was horrible, but it gave us hope that justice could be served. It wasn't all bad though, the Weasleys were extremely nice and treated us like family.

The month of August was when I finally started to break out of the depressed state I was trapped in. After spending another day filled with just sulking around, it finally hit me that nothing was going to change. My parents were gone and I had to accept it. Spending the rest of my life moping around wasn't going to change anything and in fact, it just made me more miserable. I remembered last Summer and the first few months of school and how horrid it was I realized I couldn't live like that again, so I forced myself to do things to get better over time.

I started waking up at a reasonable time, making my bed in the mornings and dressing in clothes I knew I loved even if I wasn't going anywhere. I began to take care of myself and even get a new haircut which Mrs. Weasley was more than happy to help do. I even started helping out with chores around the house and resumed my favourite hobby of baking again. I even started having Molly teach me how to crochet more advanced projects.

I began hanging out with Hermione and Ginny again and we'd often go to the lake or take little trips to London. The Weasley twins made sure to make use of Me and Ernie's presence and made us help out in the store. They refused to pay us real wages but often surprised us with candies and other items they sold. My favourite gift was when they gifted me a pygmy puff. She was adorable and I quickly named her Petunia. It finally felt like Me and Ernie were fitting in, even Chamomile made friends with Crookshanks which was a big deal because neither of those cats were the friendly type.

When the twins eventually moved out of the burrow and into the flat above their store in Diagon Alley, Ernie relocated into their old room. I was ecstatic to not have to deal with his snoring anymore, but a part of me missed sharing with him.

Over time, the dark pit in my stomach started to heal. Now, I wasn't completely free of pain, but it was definitely lessened. I still had bad days where I didn't want to do anything, but overall I found myself healing.

For now, we were allowed to stay with the Weasleys since our parents wished for that to happen, but me and Ernie overheard a conversation about us possibly moving in with Remus and Nymphadora or someone else since the Deatheaters knew we'd be with the Weasleys. For the remainder of the summer, though, they tightened up security around the Burrow to ensure our safety. Dumbledore thought it best if we were with people we knew and were comfortable with after the horrifying events we had endured.

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