Chapter 25: Educational Reform

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The next week brought a new era here at Hogwarts, and it wasn't a good one that's for sure. The morning after our Hogsmeade trip marked the beginning of Umbridge's 'Educational Reform' and these new rules were beginning to rapidly change the school right before our very own eyes. It was as if Hogwarts was now only a shell of what it used to be as time went on.

"Having already revolutionized the teaching of Defense against the dark arts, Dolores Umbridge will as high inquisitor have powers to address the serious falling standards at Hogwarts school." Hermoine reads in disbelief.

"Oh Merlin have mercy on us all," Ron grumbles as he shovels more food into his mouth.

"I mean, can you believe it?" Hermoine asks while firmly setting down her copy of the Daily Prophet.

"Well...unfortunately I can. She did sort of tell me a week and a half ago-ish that she was going to be looking into classes... Now she's making me join her all day! The amount of make-up work I'm going to have might just kill me." I complain with a roll of my eyes.

"What? Since when is she making you do that...and why? And why didn't you tell me?!" Hermoine asks, confused.

"Oh...must've slipped my mind. I haven't exactly seen you guys in a hot moment in my defense."

"Ok then, but why is she making you do this?" Ron asks, equally as confused.

"Well, after the first day of classes she asked me to do this 'intern' type program with her during my free period. I did tell Harry though, so I'm not sure why he didn't relay the message." I explain, turning to glare at Harry during the last part.

He looks up from his food, eyes alarmed, "Oh! Yeah, um, she did tell me...I meant to tell you guys, but I kind of...forgot?"

"Forgot?" Hermoine asked, "This is why we never get anything bloody done! You and Ron are two stupid fools who can't communicate nor remember anything!" She scolds, rolling her eyes as she pours some cereal into a bowl.

"Yeah, and then he left me in the forest! ...well technically I left, but it was because he was totally ignoring me after asking me to go with him! Can you believe it!" I blurt out.

Harry winces as I recount the story. I may have said things harsher than they actually were. I'd always been one to make things more dramatic than they originally were. What's life without a little drama?

"Is that true? Did you leave her in the bloody forest mate?" Ron asks in disbelief, turning to face his friend.

"Well- yes, but it's not like that!" He states in attempt to make him look better.

"Really? Did you know I was lost until about...let me think for a moment, midnight? Yeah! The only reason I'm still alive is because my friends noticed my disappearance." I announce with annoyance, crossing my arms in the process.

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