Journey of Vinny McMillan, twin sister of Ernie McMillan, a talented seer. This story starts in 4th year and goes to the end of 7th.
Multiple characters x OC/reader (Mostly Theo Nott though)
There is smut in this book, but there is a warning before...
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Me and Theo walk down the hallways of the train, searching for our friends. I was scared to see everyone again after the horrible events of early summer, but I was a bit excited too. I didn't know how much they knew of the situation and I just prayed they wouldn't ask about it. The only thing I knew was that Matheo had to have been aware. After all, it was his mother. Why was it always her?
"Quibler! Quibler!" Luna yells out, walking through the halls with a pair of red and blue cardboard glasses perched on top of her head.
"Oh! I'll take one!" I smile.
"Lovely!" She smiles back, exchanging a few galleons for a copy, "This issue has an article on Wackspurts." She beams.
"What's a Wackspurt?" Ginny asks with a tilt of her head.
"They're invisible creatures that float in your ears and make your brain go all fuzzy." Luna describes, using hand motions above her head to demonstrate. I'd always loved how animated she was.
Theo shivers next to me, "Perhaps I'll take a copy too, I don't like the sound of things floating around in my ears." He jokes, exchanging money for a copy.
"Do the glasses come with?" I ask and Luna nods.
"Do they help get rid of the little buggers?" Theo asks, leaning forward.
She shakes her head, "I'm afraid not, but they do help you spot them!"
"Perfect! V, as soon as we get to Hogwarts we're- well you're going to help me clean my ears out and then I'm getting some earplugs. I think I might just be paranoid now." Theo rants, shaking his head.
"Oh dear," Luna giggles before turning to Ginny, "He's very lovely by the way. Did you know that they're known to sing on boxing day?"
"I didn't," Ginny replies, petting her pygmy puff that's perched on her shoulders, "Could I get a copy?"
"Why of course! Would you like one too, Dean?"
"Ah, why not." He shrugs, buying two copies for him and Ginny. Those two were an interesting pair, I'd have to ask her about them later.
"Where'd you get your puff?" I ask.
"Oh, got him from Fred and George's shop when we went school shopping in Diagon Alley," She replies, pausing before she makes a sly remark, "You could've got one too, but you and Theo were home snogging and doing Merlin knows what else."
I roll my eyes, "Ginny, we were cooking a feast for you guys, not snogging or anything else."
"Well maybe we did kiss a bit...but nothing else! I swear it!" Theo adds in.
"Uh huh," Ginny starts, crossing her arms, "I don't know if I can take your word, Nott. You stole my cookies and then lied about it no more than three days ago." She scoffs playfully.