Chapter 17: The Second Task

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Winter Break flew by and consisted of me spending time with Astoria, Pansy Daphne, or Cedric. We went on quite a few Hogsmeade dates and hung around at the castle as much as possible. As for me and Theo, our relationship grew to be as complicated as it was during the first three years of school. He went back to keeping a cold demeanor around me and our 'nice' moments seemed to dwindle away into nothingness. We only shared conversations during mealtimes when we disagreed on a topic. It was quite upsetting to be honest, but nothing I wasn't expecting to happen.

Draco, Theo, and Matteo of course gave me a hard time about my new relationship with Cedric and took every opportunity to degrade me and call us slurs. At least the girls along with Blaise and Enzo somewhat supported me. Lorenzo and Pansy were the least accepting considering Lorenzo's family and Pansy's obsession with Draco, but they wouldn't stoop as low as to reprimand me every chance they got.

I talked to Hermoine a lot over break as well and found out about how horrible Ron was to her after the ball. I felt horrible for her, she didn't deserve Ron not being able to handle his own feelings.

The second task was growing closer, and Harry still hadn't figured out how to open his egg to get the clue, at least to my knowledge he didn't. Today we all decided to hang out in the library after class to figure it all out.

I sit down at one of the tables next to Harry as Hermoine flips through the pages of a book she selected.

"The egg was singing to you, Harry. Mersong. I'm sure of it. Now tell me again what you heard." Hermoine states, setting down a huge pile of books on our table.

"Wait...the egg sung to you? You figured it out?! Why did no one tell me!" I ask, shocked.

"Oh yeah- sorry V, we just don't see you much since you're not in the same house as us..." Harry explains apologetically. I just give him an unamused look and lean back in my chair, crossing my arms.

I mean, it was understandable. I didn't get to see them on a daily basis, but I'd been around them a lot recently, so perhaps it just slipped their mind. If I were Harry, I'd be more preoccupied with figuring out the riddle rather than making sure all my friends were up to date.

"Come seek us where our voices sound..." He starts.

"That's the black lake obviously." Hermoine comments, sitting down in a seat at the table while Ron just stands off to the side leaning against a bookshelf. He'd been rather moody recently.

"An hour long you'll have to look..."

"Again. Obvious. Though, admittedly, potentially problematic." I nod, agreeing with Hermoine. It's obvious they're going to be taking a swim in the black lake, but how were they expected to be able to hold their breath for an hour?

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