Journey of Vinny McMillan, twin sister of Ernie McMillan, a talented seer. This story starts in 4th year and goes to the end of 7th.
Multiple characters x OC/reader (Mostly Theo Nott though)
There is smut in this book, but there is a warning before...
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To my dismay, the morning came much quicker than I anticipated and my alarm started blaring.
"Shut that bloody thing off!" I hear Astoria grumble out as I pull a pillow over my head.
After a minute, I let out a groan of annoyance and rolled over, feeling my nightstand for my alarm clock. After a long moment of pure struggle, I managed to turn it off. I slowly sit up, stretching in the process, and pull the blanket off my body, before beginning my morning routine. I brush my teeth, do a little makeup, and brush my hair out before putting on my robe shirt, tie, skirt and finally after a long debate, some loafers.
"Storia, should I keep my hair down or put it up?" I shouted to Astoria who was doing her makeup in our bathroom.
"Umm, maybe do the half up half down pigtails? Those are always cute." She replies. It's a perfect in-between idea.
I head over to the mirror above my dresser and pull my hair up, making sure to separate my curtain bangs from the rest of my hair.Without them, I always feel as if I've got a big forehead.
"You ready to go?" Astoria asks as she steps out of the bathroom.
"Yup!" I reply with a smile, linking arms with her as we walk downstairs.
Walking into the great hall, we see that Daphne, Pansy, Enzo, and Blaise are already seated and eating breakfast. Pansy and Blaise were sitting on one side of the table while Enzo and Daphne were adjacent.
"Go sit by Enzo, make your move girl!" I whisper to Astoria happily, lightly shoving her towards him. She does exactly that and sits next to him, shooting him a small smile and a little 'good morning'. It's no exactly like she really had a choice in the matter since I pushed her in his direction, but a win is a win. I, on the other hand, decide to sit next to Blaise, leaving room next to Pansy for Draco to hopefully sit at. There was a seat left next to me, but I doubted anyone would sit there, there was plenty of room on the other side.
"Where's everyone else?" I ask, shoveling food onto my plate. My mother's cooking was great, no complaints, but there was something magical about Hogwarts food.
"Oh, good question. They're all roommates so I just assumed they either missed their alarm, which wouldn't be too surprising, or they already got into some sort of fight. I'm so glad I was paired with Blaise, those three are mentally deficient." Enzo commented politely and Astoria laughed in response, gaining a smile from the boy.
"Thanks, Enzo," Blaise started, "I am literally the best person to exist, probably even better than Dumbledore."
"Oh great, now his ego's through the roof and it's only, what, eight am?" Pansy joked with a laugh.