Chapter 39: The Prophecy

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Warnings: Death (RIP), Fantastic Beasts spoilers (my bad)

Our quickened footsteps reverberate through the halls of the Department of Mysteries as we search for the prophecy. Who knew what the prophecy actually was? Maybe they all knew, but I was lost.

Aisles filled with countless prophecies lined the shelves beside us. It was truly a magnificent sight. Perhaps one day I'll have one of mine stored in here.

I look around in awe at each and every little orb, stopping to get a closer look at some of them. I let out a gasp when I spot a particular one I'm familiar with.

"Merlins Beard! This is one of Tycho Dodonus' prophecies!" I exclaim in excitement. I had to hold back the urge to touch it. I'd always been a huge fan.

"Who now?" Ron asks confused.

"Tycho Dodonus! He's a pretty popular seer and has a book full of his predictions! He was extremely helpful in...1927 I believe when they were trying to figure out Credence Barebones lineage." I explain with a smile.

"And uh- who is that?" Ron asks again.

"Oh my Godrick! Can you believe this Hermione? Who is Credence Barebone!" I mock.

Ron rolls his eyes, "Okay whatever, are you going to tell me or not." He sasses.

"Credence was an extremely powerful obscurial in the late 20's. Grindelwald attempted to use him for his own personal gain, but Scamander and his team of amazing wizards were able to save him! There was this whole moment where everyone was trying to figure out if he was a long lost lestrange sibling, that's where the prophecy came in, but turns out he was actually a Dumbledore!" I inform. I was really passionate about the first wizarding war and the events surrounding it. It was just so interesting.

"Interesting," Ron mumbles under his breath.

"You know, V, we're supposed to be saving Sirius right now, right?" Harry sasses, giving me a stern look.

"Oh, yeah, sorry I just got distracted," I mutter, smiling awkwardly as we continue walking down the halls.

"Wait!" Neville blurts out.

"What?" Hermione asks.

"The- the door. It's...gone?" He points out.

We all turn around and notice that the door we originally went through is simply not there anymore.

"Merlin save us all," Ron whines.

"I'm sure that's just for safety reasons...we should keep going," Harry explains, reassuring everyone, but especially himself.

We all nod and continue walking, eventually stopping once we get to where Harry had his vision. He shines his wand around in a frantic manner, desperately looking for Sirius Black.

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