Journey of Vinny McMillan, twin sister of Ernie McMillan, a talented seer. This story starts in 4th year and goes to the end of 7th.
Multiple characters x OC/reader (Mostly Theo Nott though)
There is smut in this book, but there is a warning before...
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I wake up in the Hospital wing to the feeling of someone rubbing my hand gently with their thumb. I blink and look over to see Theo watching me, a smile forming on his face, when he realizes I'm awake, which I happily return.
"I thought I told you not to get hurt." He teases, pressing a gentle kiss to my hand.
I snicker at the memory, "Well...I'm not really hurt."
"Babe, you have a concussion. Last time I checked, that's a real injury." He smirks.
"Well—you know what? I was doing great until Harry, Harry," I iterate so he knows who's to blame. He threw a spell that maybe saved me, but it also concussed me, so~" I conclude.
"Oh? So you're saying I need to beat up Harry?" He asks with a grin.
I nod my head, "Yes, do that."
He just laughs and presses a kiss to my cheek, "You're something, Vivian. That's for sure."
"You sound like my dad." I reply with a grimace, "Speaking of, my parents would love for you to come over for dinner sometime. More my mum than my dad though, she's like obsessed it's... interesting." I ramble, my mind feeling a bit foggy. I assume it's from the meds Promfrey has been giving me.
Theo's smile falters for a moment, but he's quick to cover it up, "I'll see if it's possible. Usually, my dad likes to travel with his girlfriend and I'm forced to watch over the grounds, but I'll see what I can do."
"Perfect." I reply with a smile, "Um, how long have I been in here for?" I ask, suddenly remembering that I'm in the hospital wing and not my dorm, chatting with Theo.
"A week and a half actually. Terms over, so it's good that you've finally woken up. They were going to move you to Saint Mungo's." He replies with a frown.
"Oh. Guess it's good that I woke up then. It's miserable in there." I mutter as some not-so-fun memories resurface.
"You've been before?" He asks, tilting his head.
"Yeah, I've been quite a few times actually. When I was a kid, about 5 or 6 maybe, that's when my visions started and the effects were...not so pleasant. They made me extremely sick, like the deathly ill type of sick. I can still remember the first time my parents took me. They had to drag my mom out of the room I was in. She was hysterical. She wouldn't sleep or eat. The doctors were positive I wouldn't survive, but I did. I had to return like five more times by the time I turned twelve. It was like I lived there. I spent so many holidays and birthdays in that place." I re-account bitterly, "Eventually, I built up a tolerance sort of and it's more manageable. Though, from time to time I end up here." I conclude.
Theo looks at me with a look of sympathy, "I'm so sorry, that's- horrible."
I shrug, "We all go through bad stuff. It's how we get over it that matters." I conclude, brightening up the dreary atmosphere with a smile.