Journey of Vinny McMillan, twin sister of Ernie McMillan, a talented seer. This story starts in 4th year and goes to the end of 7th.
Multiple characters x OC/reader (Mostly Theo Nott though)
There is smut in this book, but there is a warning before...
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"Blow the candles out you two!" My mother cheers, holding up her muggle camera.
Our family has always had a type of fascination with Muggle devices. They were truly magical in a sense. My mother especially fancied Cameras so she could preserve our memories. Sure we had moving photographs and all, but there was just something about Muggle photographs she loved. She even picked up Junk Journaling and Scrapbooking as a new hobby. She had a scrapbook dedicated to each of us. Mine being lavender and Ernie's being a soft yellow.
Anyway, it was mid-June and we were celebrating our birthday since it got postponed because of my accident. It wasn't anything special per se, just a nice dinner, but that's all we really wanted. Me and Ernie had never been the type to want huge parties thrown in our favour. We'd rather just have a nice dinner with our family.
Me and Ernie both take a deep breath in sync before extinguishing the flames.
"Happy seventeenth you lucky ducks! Now you can perform magic outside the school but do not, I repeat, do not get into trouble with it! Remember the rules and the law! I'm looking at you, mister!" My mum informs us, glancing sternly at Ernie in a playful manner.
"Yeah, yeah I get it mum," Ernie smiles, rolling his eyes playfully. I think we all knew he wasn't going to listen.
"Enough said, I think it's time for cake!" My father cheers, licking his lips.
"Gluttony, Darling, Gluttony." Mum tsks as she cuts the cake, earning laughs from the table.
"Only when it comes to your cooking...and baking. Merlins Beard is it magnificent!" He compliments, doing the 'chef's kiss' motion.
"Thank you, my love. Now, have you told your children your- our big news?" My mother asks, setting a rather large slice of cake in front of my father before serving me and Ernie, and finally herself.
"Oh! I almost forgot!" He bellows with a hearty laugh, "Yes, well, I'm getting a promotion at the ministry and with my new position, I'm apparently in 'danger'. Ha! Can you believe that?" He jokes, doing air quotations with his hands, before continuing, "Anywho, that being said, we're being forced to relocate as soon as possible, unfortunately."
"What?" I ask, dropping my fork.
"You're joking?" Ernie asks.
"Unfortunately not. With Voldemort's army growing, both of your gifts and your father's head auror position, the Order and the ministry are 'encouraging' us to move. Only temporarily of course." Mother explains, nibbling on her portion.
I groan, "They really think we're in danger?"
Mother nods.
"This is so unfair! Just because she has some sort of weirdo powers means we have to flee in the middle of the night?" Ernie argues.