Chapter 31: Holidays

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The next morning Theo was gone before I woke up and I didn't see him until exams. I spent the next two days studying non-stop in either the library with Hermione, gossiping in our dorm with Astoria, Daphne, and Pansy, catching up on everything I had missed during the time I distanced myself from them, or studying alone in the courtyard. I felt prepared for my exams, but still kept the over looming sense of dread the Umbridge had bestowed upon me.

What if I failed? What would I do? Would she ruin my future? Would I be set back academically for the rest of the year? Would I not be able to take advanced courses next year?!

Merlin, it was too much to think about.

Exams came and went, and I felt fairly confident in my scores. They'd mail us them over winter break, closer to January, so all I had to do until then was distract myself.

I pack my bags, bid all of my friends farewell, and head on over to the train station. I board the train and find myself on the look out for Harry, Hermione and Ron when I bump into someone.

"I'm sorry-" I mutter, bending down to grab my bags I dropped when I bump heads with the person. I wince and pull back to see who it was.

Adrian Pucey.

"No no it's fine. I'm sorry for bashing your head in with mine." He jokes, rubbing his temples.

"It's fine." I reply with a laugh, "How's quidditch been?" I inquire. It's been a long time since I'd had a conversation with him.

"Oh you know, it's been alright. The seasons been pretty good, can't complain." He replies with a smile, helping me gather my luggage.

"That's good. I think we have a fair shot at winning the cup this year." I add in, taking my bags from him, "Thanks for helping."

"Oh no problem, and yeah, I agree. Although, I thought I saw you cheering on Gryffindor last match?" He asks with a smirk.

I scoff and look down, "Well, I was just pissed at friends that's all. I thought cheering on the opposite side would cause some reaction from them." I explain.

"And it did. I saw Riddle pull you under the bleachers, what's up with that?" Adrian teases, wiggling his eyebrows mischievously.

My eyes widen, "Nothing! Merlin, that's just-"

"Insanity, who would ever insinuate something like that?" A voice interrupts.

I feel an arm wrap around my shoulders and I look up to see Matheo towering above me with a scowl.

Adrian opens his mouth then closes it, knowing another word from him, or joke, would result in a black eye most definitely.

"I'll just- I'll just be going-" Adiran mumbles out, pointing down the hall, "Nice talking to you Vivian!"

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