Chapter 19: The Tournament

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A/N: This chapter is pretty long so I hope you enjoy it! You may want tissues...

This took me five hours to write RIP.



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The next day I woke up bright and early. I was excited for today, but I was also dreading it at the same time. It was my sixteenth birthday, but it was also the day of the Triwizard tournament's finale. Considering the horrible dream I had last night; I was more than nervous for how things were going to play out.

I wake up with a yawn and stretch, looking over at my clock to check the time. It was 9 am and the event started at seven. I had plenty of time to celebrate with friends, especially Cedric, before heading over to the stands to spectate.

I hop out of my bed and make my way over to my bathroom, careful not to make any loud noises that would wake Astoria. She most likely wouldn't wake until 9:30, and I didn't want to suffer her wrath if I were to accidentally wake her earlier than her designated wake up time.

I decide to do two French braids for my hair and my usual makeup: a little concealer, blush, lip tint, mascara and waterline liner. I also decided to dress up a little more than I usually would since it was a special occasion, and I wanted to look my best. I threw on one of my more detailed babydoll tanks along with a pair of low-rise jeans that I bedazzled the pockets on. I also made sure to grab a cute button up sweater since it was still a bit chilly.

As I exited the bathroom, I saw Astoria just beginning to wake up. She yawned before noticing me.

"Happy Birthday V! 16 finally, babes!" She cheers, hopping out of bed to tackle me in a tight embrace.

"Thanks 'Storia! I'm going to give Ernie his gift and I'll meet you in the hall for breakfast, okay?"

She nods in response before hugging me once more, "Alright, I'll give you your gift then."

"See you!" I grab Ernie's gift that I had wrapped the previous night and head out the door towards the great hall.


I already knew that him and his friends were in the great hall. They tended to eat breakfast earlier than the rest of us.

 A few people berate me with strings of 'Happy Birthdays' as I walk throughout the hall to which I return with a small 'Thank You' or a smile. I loved the attention my birthday brought me. It was always nice to be noticed.

As soon as I enter the hall, I spot my brother sitting at the far end of the Hufflepuff table with Hannah Abott, Justin Finch-Fletchley and a few other of his friends that I wasn't too familiar with.

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