Journey of Vinny McMillan, twin sister of Ernie McMillan, a talented seer. This story starts in 4th year and goes to the end of 7th.
Multiple characters x OC/reader (Mostly Theo Nott though)
There is smut in this book, but there is a warning before...
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The next day began the same way as the first. I woke up late and Astoria was missing. The only difference was that I didn't wake myself up, I woke up to knocking on my door. Maybe Astoria Lost our key? It wasn't a rare event, tiny things such as that slipped her mind pretty easily. I got up and walked over to the door to be met with someone unexpected, Harry. My eyes widened slightly in surprise.
"Oh, sorry to bother you, Vinny...I didn't realize you were still sleeping!" He quickly apologized, looking away from me. I don't blame him; I was wearing short shorts and a bra top. My body was still pretty warm, and I didn't want to sweat under my blankets, so that meant skimpy pajamas. In my defense, I wasn't expecting anyone besides Astoria to see me.
"Don't worry about it Harry, it was about time I woke up anyways it's–11:45?! Merlin I've never slept this late before!" I exclaim, looking at my watch.
"You probably need it since you're sick, can't argue with your body!" He attempted to joke with a sheepish smile.
"Oh! How rude of me, come in Harry...don't mind the mess!" I quickly rush Harry into the room, closing the door and turning on the lights, making sure to kick some of my dirty clothes to the side. Cleaning hadn't been my top priority recently. We didn't have windows since our dorms were in the dungeons, so we relied heavily on our artificial lights, which me and Astoria had loads of. It was quite depressing honestly.
"Why exactly have you snuck into the Slytherin dorms?" I ask, with a small smile, curious.
"Oh! I um wanted to see if you maybe wanted to go to lunch together and then study or something in the courtyard? Ron's still pissed at me and Hermoine's taking his side, so I decided to seize the opportunity to hang out with you more. We never see each other in school...not as a date of course!!" I laughed a little in response to the sudden blush that rose to his cheeks.
"I'd love to Harry, just let me get ready real quick!"
I grab some clothes out of my wardrobe and head to the bathroom to change and braid my hair. I hadn't showered last night so my hair was kind of greasy, not my favorite look. As I walk out the door, me and Harry link arms and walk to the Great Hall. Nothing too eventful happened in there. We sat with Ron and Hermoine, but of course Ron ignored him while me and Hermoine gossiped as per usual. I kept getting a lot of glares from Theo who sat with everyone we usually sat with. No one else seemed to care though. He's so odd.
As me and Harry were walking through the outdoor corridors, we passed a lot of people with pins that said, "Potter stinks". How immature. As we walked further, I noticed my brother and his friend Hannah both wearing those stupid pins.
"Like the badge?" He asked in a teasing manner, a smirk across his face as he blocked our path to the courtyard. He was probably joining in just to impress Hannah. I'm convinced he fancies her no matter how much he denies it.