Chapter 35: Bellatrix Lestrange

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Spring has finally arrived at Hogwarts and the feeling was immaculate. Flowers were blooming both inside and outside the castle, creating an incredibly beautiful scene. Vines would grow and wrap around the columns in some of the corridors with open windows. It felt like you were walking through the 'secret garden'.

Everything seemed to be going back to normal with our friend group and I was grateful for that. I had begun hanging out with Theo much more and we had made things official the day after Saint Valentine's. We studied together, hung out by the black lake and sometimes he'd even sneak into my dorm to spend the night when Astoria was in Lorenzo's. The Golden Trio was a bit weary about our new relationship, but I told them there was nothing to be worried about. Was he part of the Inquisitor Squad? Yes, but he'd never do anything to get me in trouble. I knew he wouldn't.

Astoria and the girls on the other hand were over the moon when we announced that we had officially started dating. Astoria insisted on helping me prepare for any date we went on and would beg me for information after every outing. I didn't mind, it was nice to have someone to talk to about these things. Hermione loved to hear, but she wasn't exactly pleased by the idea that it was Theodore Nott I was dating.

Ernie wasn't exactly pleased either. I think it's because he's the older twin and feels like he has to protect me from these types of things. I personally think he's just jealous that Hannah hasn't returned his feelings...yet that is. I talked to her a few days ago about how things were with him and she told me that she did feel something for him, but she was unsure if it was romantic or simply just platonic. They were going to go on a date this weekend to test the waters. I was excited for the two. I had always felt that they would make a good couple.

The time for OWLs was approaching and I was beginning to feel anxiety bubble up, but I always managed to push it back down. I was busy with D.A. meetings. They were going relatively well and we were all growing a lot. Since today was a Saturday we'd be meeting early to learn a new spell. Since it was a more difficult one to master, Harry felt that we needed to have a longer meeting. We were going to learn the Patronus Charm and I was thrilled. I had always wanted to find out what my patronus was, and today was the day...that is if I can conjure a happy enough memory.


I sit down next to Hermione and begin to shovel food onto my plate. Today the house elves prepared French toast with Chocolate chips, my favourite.

As we were all eating our breakfast, suddenly an owl soars through the Great Hall and drops a parcel on Harry's head. It bounces off of him and lands on the table with a thud.

"Ow-" Harry mutters as he rubs his head with a scowl.

Hermione reaches across the table and opens it to reveal a copy of The Quibbler. Harry's scowl turns into a grin as he notices the all-familiar front cover.

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