Journey of Vinny McMillan, twin sister of Ernie McMillan, a talented seer. This story starts in 4th year and goes to the end of 7th.
Multiple characters x OC/reader (Mostly Theo Nott though)
There is smut in this book, but there is a warning before...
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For the rest of the week, Theodore stayed in my dorm with me and wouldn't leave my side at all. His reasoning was to make sure I didn't get hurt and to make sure I took my meds at the right time. It was sweet to know he was worried and wanted to take care of me. Maybe things were finally going to return to how they used to be.
Now, it was finally the weekend, which meant time for Hogsmeade. Recently I'd got the itch to go clothing shopping as well, so hopefully Draco and Theo wouldn't mind making a pit stop or two.
Speaking of Draco, I had informed Theo that Draco wanted to join us. Theo was happy about him joining and didn't ask why he wanted to come, which was perfect because I had no clue what I'd respond with. I'd let Draco come up with an excuse if Theo became curious - or suspicious, Merlin forbid. Draco wasn't exactly the world's best liar. He was closer to the world's worst liar actually.
"You ready?" Theo asks with a smile as I put in my earrings.
"Mhm!" I reply, grabbing my bag before linking my arm with Theo's.
"How's your head?" He asks before we leave.
"Better. The migraines are still here, but it's definitely less than before." I chirp.
"Good, good."
With that, we make our way to the common room to pick up Draco. He's in the middle of a game with Blaise when we spot him, Matheo reading a book next to them, clearly not interested in their game.
"Ready, big D?" Theo teases.
Draco looks up and rolls his eyes, "Great timing, I was just about to win. Looks like luck is on your side today, Zabini."
Blaise does a victory move, "So you forfeit?" He asks, a smirk forming on his face.
"I didn't say that, but sure." Draco scoffs, standing up to grab his jacket.
"Where are you guys going?" Matheo asks, looking up from his book.
"Hogsmeade," I answer, resting my head on Theo's shoulder.
"Would you mind if I tag along? I'm pretty bored." He asks in no specific tone.
I raise an eyebrow, "You want to come to Hogsmeade? I thought you hated it?"
Matheo shrugs, "Figured it'd be better than staying in the castle all day."
I look at Theo and Draco. They both nod in agreement.
"Yeah why not," Theo smiles, "The more the merrier after all."
"Just know, we're going to Madame Pudifoot's after our shopping so..." I trail off, knowing that most of the boys in our school hated the shop.
Matheo groans, "What is it with you girls and that damned Tea shop?" He complains, "That's fine with me as long as we can do a quick stop at the Three Broomsticks after."