Journey of Vinny McMillan, twin sister of Ernie McMillan, a talented seer. This story starts in 4th year and goes to the end of 7th.
Multiple characters x OC/reader (Mostly Theo Nott though)
There is smut in this book, but there is a warning before...
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I grab my bags and head out of the cabin I was sitting in. I chose to sit by myself so I could do some reflection and journaling on my dream. I wanted to dissect it and figure out exactly what it means. I knew Voldemort had to be the one to give me it, but surely it had some sort of meaning, right? Alas, I had never experienced a dream quite like this one before, so it looks like I'm on my own.
I step off the platform and begin my journey to the carriages when someone grabs my shoulders from behind me with a 'boo', startling me.
I jump and turn around to see a smiling Theo who's enjoying the fact that he just gave me a good fright. I give him a pointed look and slap him lightly on the shoulder.
"Merlin Theo!" I scold.
"Oh you should have seen your face, V, it was gold!" He cheers, wrapping an arm around me as we walk to the carriages. I just scoff at him.
While we wait, I notice him staring at my face, an undiscernible expression on his face. I look up at him, my face slightly scrunched up in confusion.
"What?" I ask, "Do I have something on my face?"
He snaps back into reality and smiles, "No, no, I was just thinking about how much those earrings suit you. Although, their beauty pales in your presence." He recites poetically.
I blush and grin at his compliment, "Thanks, but also thank you for gifting me them I- they must've cost-" I begin to ramble, but Theo cuts me off.
"Don't worry about the price, V. My family has so much money they don't even know what to do with it. Besides, you deserve something like that." He stuffs his hands into his pockets.
I smile and look to the ground for a minute to mask the rosy tint on my cheeks before looking back up at him, "I take it you like the gift I gave you then? I haven't heard any complaints."
He looks at me with a smile, "I absolutely adore it."
I had decided to gift Theo a jumper I had made over the break, along with candy of course. I had recently picked up a hobby of knitting and decided to make handmade gifts for Christmas this year. I made Draco and Enzo new hats, scarfs for the girls, mittens for Matheo since his hands are so bloody cold, and a sweater for Theo of course. I also added personalized items for each friend as per usual.
I sigh dramatically, "You say so, but you aren't even wearing it."
Theo unbuttons the jacket he was wearing to reveal the green sweater, "Yeah I absolutely hate that wretched thing." He jokes.
I slap him lightly on the shoulder as the carriage approaches.
"Where's everyone else?" I ask as I look around.
"They got off the train before me." He replies, helping me into the carriage.
"Oh," I reply simply, taking a seat as Theo sits next to me. I mutter a small thank you to which he replies with a curt nod.