Chapter 53: The First Quidditch Match

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On the day of the first Quidditch match of the year, I sit with Hermione and Harry for breakfast. Most of the Slytherin boys were doing their game day rituals, including my boyfriend, and Matheo and Draco were off doing their own thing. The only people left at our normal spot were Astoria, Daphne and Pansy. I hadn't spoken to Daphne or Astoria since my hospital visit. It felt too awkward.

I poke at my food, feeling particularly sick today as Ron walks over to take his seat, a sickening look on his face.

"So. How was it?" Ron asks, looking over at Hermione who has her face buried in the latest copy of the Daily Prophet.

"How was what?" I ask, raising an eyebrow as I look at him through barely opened eyelids.

He turns to me with a grimacing look as he considers my appearance. "You look...great, V. Are you okay?" he asks, concerned.

I rub my eyes and brush my hair back, "Peachy."

He gives me one last glance before directing his attention back to Hermione as I rest my head on the table. As much as I'd love to crawl back under my warm covers, I couldn't miss Theo's first game of the season. I knew he'd understand, but I'd feel terrible about it; He cared so much about quidditch and I wanted to be there to support him.

"Um, 'Mione?" Ron summons, trying to get her attention.

She peeks over her newspaper and gives him a sour look for interrupting, "Yes?" She answers in a slightly brassy tone. She hated to have her reading time disrupted.

"How was it?" He asks mockingly.

"How was what?" She sasses, setting down the paper.

"Your dinner party." He says in a proper tone.

"Dead boring. Though, I think Harry enjoyed dessert." She jokes slyly.

I snicker, my head still lying against the cold table as Harry turns to give her a dirty, yet unimpressed look at the reminder of his actions. She just smiles at her brilliant comment, not minding how he felt about it.

"Ol' Sluggy's having a Christmas do, you know. And we're meant to bring someone..." She starts before Ron cuts her off.

" I expect you'll be going with McLaggen. Isn't he a member of the Slug Club?" He mocks.

"Actually, I was going to ask you." She explains, the smile fading from her face as she looks back at the news article.

"Really?" He scoffs in disbelief.

"Really." She confirms, irritation present across her features, "But seeing as you have such a distaste for the idea..." She trails off as Lavendar struts over to the table, filing with her fingers to calm her nerves.

"Good luck today, Ron." She smiles, "I know you'll be brilliant!" She compliments in a breathy tone before leaving the table.

Ron musters up a smile at her as she walks away, while Hermione glares daggers at her. I understood why Hermione had a distaste for Lavendar, but it wasn't like the two were dating.

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