Chapter 13: Dates + Drama

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The Yule Ball is fast approaching, and as of yet, no one has asked me. I wasn't exactly expecting anyone to, but a part of me was hoping that Cedric would. A girl could only hope. Two weeks have passed since our dance lessons, and I've definitely improved. Teaming up with Theo was immensely helpful, and my ballroom technique improved drastically.

Today, Hermione and I were studying by the Black Lake to prepare for midterms. However, we didn't get much studying done. We spent most of the time catching up, as we've been overwhelmed with classwork recently and haven't had the chance to talk.

"So...has anyone asked you to the yule ball yet?" She inquired, closing her book.

"No, unfortunately, what about you?"

Hermione paused before shaking her head, "No...I'm surprised Cedric hasn't asked you yet, or at least Nott for that matter."

"Theodore? Why would he ask me?" I question, a bit confused.

"Vinny, he's obviously somewhat interested in you. I mean, the way he looks at you is just one sign, but the fact that he's partnered up with you every dance class, and the hand placement? It's so obvious!" She exclaims with a smile.

"Oh that's just silly. Hand placement? We're dancing Hermoine, his hands have to be there." I burry my face in my hands, slightly embarrassed.

"Ok yes, but don't see what I see." She laughs.

"Well then what about you and Krum, hm?" I tease, quickly turning to look at her with a mischievous expression.

"I- We- Vinny!" She groaned in despair.

At that moment, Krum ran right past us, shooting Hermoine a wink before continuing. A group of girls following behind him, giggling and whispering to each other. Looks like he has his own fan club here at Hogwarts.

"...and he just winked at you, I'd say there's a proposal in your future 'Moine!"

"Ok fine...I lied V, he asked me to the ball yesterday..." She admits shyly, "I just didn't know how to tell you or what to say and it's a bit confusing-"

"Hermoine it's ok! I understand, I'm really happy for you! Now I just have to get a date since you have one." I say with a laugh.

"Thanks for understanding...Well now that I've admitted that, when will you admit your feelings for Cedric, hm?"

"But I don't have feelings for him, I swear!" I defend. I'm not exactly sure why I felt the need to lie about my feelings, I just did. Perhaps it's because I'm scared he doesn't feel the same and want to avoid the embarrassment of rejection, or another hidden reason. Who knows. Or maybe I just wasn't ready to admit it out loud.

"Vivian Lousie McMillan, you better not be lying to me right now." She scolds.

"I'm not! It's the truth!"

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