won't wait for time

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The next two days are blissfully quiet and Jade couldn't be happier.

Elena and Stefan apparantly had a huge fight at the founder's party, but she got a message from Stefan later. It's done.

She didn't see Damon for three days, and Stefan had disappeared as well, but Caroline was safe and nobody else had been attacked. That was all that mattered.

Even Alex had started to relax. He'd unravelled the murder board and put all the photos he'd taken into the case solved file.

On the third day, she decided to pay Stefan a visit. If only to make sure that Damon was contained. Stefan had said as much, but she would prefer to see it with her own two eyes.

And if she wanted to relish in the sight of Damon being chained to a chair, that was nobody's business but her own.

"What's up with his skin?" She asks Stefan. Damon was asleep. Or unconscious. She wasn't sure and she definitely didn't care enough.

"It's dessicating. Soon it will mummify and he'll be unable to hurt anyone ever again."

"Good." She looks at Stefan for a minute. He was always a bit pale and the vampirism rendered him unable to show signs of fatigue like humans did, but Jade noticed the metaphorical bags underneath his eyes. "You haven't been to school in a while. Elena seems like she misses you."

His gaze turns to the ground. "Elena and I..aren't really on good terms right now. She thinks I'm hiding things from her."

"Well." She gestures to Damon with her head. "You are."

"I can't tell her about this."

"You told me." She pointed out.

"I didn't tell you. You found out."

Jade gives him a smirk. "It's not my fault your house is so easy to break into. Might wanna consider investing in a home security system."

"I'll take it under consideration." He looks to her. "Did you read any of the diaries?"

"Not really. We were short on time. Why do you write so much?"

"I forget."




"What the hell are the two of you 'ah'ing about out there?"

Damon was awake.

"Hey demon. I would just like to say, how nice it is to see you. You look like shit."

"Why is she here?" Damon tries to grab her throat through the cell, and Stefan pulls her back before he makes contact.

"To bask in your misery." She tells him.

She spots Zach coming down the stairs and Stefan walks over to talk to him. Zach joins her outside Damon's cell.

"So. You know."


"You're okay?"

She glares at Damon in the cell. He's leaned back against the chair, unmoving. "I feel a lot better now that he won't be bothering us."

"Mystic Falls is certainly safer without him in it."

"Why did he even come back? Just to screw with Stefan?"

"Yeah, I suppose. Not much else he could do here."

Jade doesn't buy that. She couldn't believe he had done all this to mess with his brother. Maybe vampires had a more warped sense of humor than the humans.

𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐁𝐎𝐋𝐓𝐄𝐑 | Stefan SalvatoreWhere stories live. Discover now