we begin again

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Jade gets little sleep that night. Caroline outright refused to sleep upstairs, wanting to be as near the cellar as possible, so she, Alex and Caroline had started vacuuming the entire basement, and didn't get very far until Stefan showed up and did the whole thing in seconds because of his vampire speed.

All three of them had gone to sleep in the basement. Even Stefan and Damon had joined. From left to right it was Alex, Damon, Jade, Stefan, Caroline. Needless to say, it was very, very crowded.

"Can you move your arm to the side?" Damon asks Jade, tossing it a bit over.

"Can you go sleep in your own room?" She retorts.

"Can both of you shut up?" Alex asks finally.

Caroline has been tossing and turning ever since she laid down. She's at the corner of the room, so only one person is disturbed by her movements: Stefan.

"Caroline. Stop that."

Jade looks over Stefan at her sister. "Do you need a melatonin tablet?"

"I'm not sure it would work. Given..." She looks down at herself, referring to her vampirism.

"I could always snap your neck," Damon suggests.

Jade hits Damon in the face with a pillow, making him shut up for a few minutes.

"Do you think she'll hate me forever?" Caroline asks in a low voice.

Damon groans. "I know one person that will hate you forever, if you don't shut up."

Jade sits up and so does Caroline. Stefan is still laying down and opens one eye to look at them.

"Caroline. She's hated vampires for God knows how long and she just found out that you're one of them. She just needs time to process it before she realises that you're still her daughter. She thinks that vampirism somehow changes a person fundamentally, like it turns them into monsters. That's why she's distancing herself from you. Because she doesn't want her belief to be proved right. The second she knows she's wrong, she'll be better with all this."

Caroline hugs her. "You always know what to say."

Jade rolls her eyes. "Only when it comes to you."

Damon yawns. "Thank you for that speech really. I feel much drowsier now."

They both shake their heads and go back to their original positions, finally feeling content enough to go to sleep. Damon is snoring soon and Alex and Caroline are breathing easily, a clear indication that they're all asleep.

Stefan turns to her with a low voice. "Not asleep yet?"

"No. I'm just worried." She turns to Stefan suspiciously. "Why can't you sleep?"

"Elena and I... we're having some problems."

She rolls her eyes. "Oh, come on. You always have problems. You break up like fifty times and then get back together. You're like Ross and Rachel."

"It's not that. When we were at the Grill staging the breakup, or now when we're pretending to be broken up, I was upset of course. But I also...felt kind of... relieved."

Jade looks at him in shock. "Wait, what?"

"I don't know. Maybe I just think...staying away from me will keep her safe."

"Are you sure that's it? Are you... falling out of love with her or something?"

Stefan's shoulders sag. "I don't know." Then a little later, almost as if he's saying it to himself, "I don't know."

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