let's go get high

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"It's just one thing after another with you, isn't it?"

Katherine had been locked in the apartment that Elijah had been occupying for all this time. He had compelled her to stay there, and when they killed Elijah, it freed her of the compulsion.

She was now living at the Salvatore house.

At the same time, Bonnie had lost her powers at the hands of the Martin witches and Jenna had left the house to go stay at her university to finish her thesis. She wasn't talking to any of them.

"Have I mentioned how much horrible luck you guys bring?"

"Yes, Jade," says Damon irritatedly, "you have mentioned that. Multiple times since you got here."

Elena groans and hits her head on the table. "Why is she still here? She was free."

Stefan nods. "She wants what we want...Klaus dead. Maybe she sees us as her only chance."

Jade looks at him sideways. "Maybe she just wants to bother all of us and make our lives miserable."

"Look, I hate it as much as all of you do, but she does make a point. We don't know anything about Klaus. She does."

"But does she have to stay at this house?"

"The deed of the house is in my name. She doesn't need to be invited in, which means she can come and go as she pleases."

Jade sits up. "Now there's an idea. Transfer the deed over to a human. Preferably someone who she can't kill in order to get in."

Damon tilts his head. "Who?"

"Alaric?" Stefan asks.

Jade shakes her head and frowns. "He gave the ring to John yesterday. I'm talking about Elena."

The girl in question sits up. "What?"

Damon sits up as well. "Yeah, what?"

"Clearly, if Elena dies, Klaus gets what he wants. Which means she needs to stay alive and Katherine can't kill her. So transfer the deed to her. It'll solve our vampire problem as well. Any vampires can just waltz in this house and attack you. Remember the tomb vampires? Klaus? It will be safer for everyone in the house if they can't get in so easily."

Stefan nods and gives Damon a look. "You're right."

Damon just throws his head back and groans.


Jade visits Jenna at the University, hoping that convincing her to talk to Elena or Alaric or Jeremy will stop some of the pouting Elena has been doing recently. It's not as if she can help with much else.

She knocks on her door and waits. Jenna opens the door a little bit and peeks at her. "Did Elena send you to apologise on her behalf? Because if that's the case, you can just head back now."

"I came on my own. I thought...maybe it would be easier to talk to..."

Someone outside the family.

Jenna opened the door and let her in, shutting it behind her. Jade sat down on the bed and Jenna sat next to her. She noticed the dark circles under her red rimmed eyes. She had definitely been crying and hadn't gotten any sleep after last night.

"What do you want to know?"

"Elijah... Alaric killed him."

"Yes. Elijah is...well, was, a vampire."

𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐁𝐎𝐋𝐓𝐄𝐑 | Stefan SalvatoreWhere stories live. Discover now