he's a saint

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A nice early morning walk. That's all Jade had left the hotel for.

As if the knowledge that Klaus was literally on the opposite side of the street wasn't bad enough, Katherine had showed up in Chicago too.

Now, Katherine had technically saved her life. Sure, she had nothing to do with Isobel showing up and taking her place. But Klaus had compelled her to kill Jade. And she had gone against him, despite knowing what was going to happen to her if she got caught. Jade was sure she had ulterior motives, and had definitely seen an opportunity to interrupt the ritual, but Jade was glad she wasn't dead.

Katherine raised an eyebrow in surprise when she saw her. "Well, well. Look who's also following Stefan."

"I'm not following Stefan, I just happened to be here."

That was the truth, but it sounded like a lie to her own ears. Her hotel just happened to be the one opposite the place Stefan spent so much time in? Someone had compelled somebody to make this happen.

Jade regarded the doppelganger for a minute. Could it have been her?

But that didn't explain the free room service or the fact that she got an entire room to herself. She didn't care about Jade and probably would want her to suffer.


"Why are you here, Katherine?"

"I'm just looking out for Stefan."

"Uh huh. Why are you really here?"

She rolls her eyes. "Come on."

Jade throws her hands up. "Come on where?" She asks, but follows Katherine anyway.

"We're going to have a nice little chat about Stefan."

Jade groans. "Are you going to threaten me to stay away from him again? Because I'd say he's doing a pretty good job at it himself."

"No. I want to kill Klaus."

"Well, get in line. He's a thousand years old so I'm guessing the line's atleast thrice that big."

Katherine led her to an alley and checked for eavesdroppers. "I want you to get me Elena's necklace. The one that Stefan gave to her."

"That's nice. It's nice to want things, Katherine."

She rolled her eyes. "God, you even sound like him. Klaus wants that necklace for something, so we need to get it first."


"Yes, we. As in you and me." She puts her hands on her waist and scowls at Jade. "I saved your life from Klaus. You owe me."

"You tried to kill us multiple times before that. And you killed my sister. I don't owe you a goddamn thing."

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