don't make me sad

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♡₊˚ 🦢・₊ ♪ ✧

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♡₊˚ 🦢・₊ ♪ ✧

After days and days of everything going wrong and disturbing things happening, it was finally a good day.

It was Caroline's eighteenth birthday.

Jade and her mother had been up early to decorate the house. The coffee table was cluttered with art supplies: colored paper, markers and Caroline's old glitter gun. They'd made a banner the previous night. Between Klaus and Stefan drama, there was barely time to pull together a good surprise, but the rest of their human friends had helped a lot.

The second they saw Caroline coming down the stairs, the two of them yelled, "surprise!"

Caroline looked a little startled. Then she ran up to Jade with a smile and gave her a hug. "Thanks! When did you even have the time to..."

Jade hugged her back. "It's your birthday, Caroline. We can make time."

Caroline sighed at the banner, and Jade thought she looked slightly guilty. "Eighteen."

Her mother looks at her with concern. "What's wrong?"

"I'm just...not really feeling up to my birthday today."

"What?" Jade asks in surprise. "But it's already been decided that your birthday is the most important day of the year."

"I know! I know I was really excited to turn eighteen, but...with everything that's been going on, I can't really..."

She nods in understanding. "Alright. You can open the presents whenever you feel like it. It's your day. You can choose what you want to do."

Caroline looks at Jade and their mother. "So...none of you are mad at me right?"

Her mother places a hand on her shoulder. "Of course not, we could never—"

All of a sudden, the front door is thrown open and vibrant, lively music fills the room. Caroline and their mother stare at the scene in shock. Jade's eyes widen as the mariachi band she'd hired the previous night comes marching in.

Jade immediately runs up to them and starts ushering all of them outside. "Woah, woah! Wrong house, fellas! Wrong house!"

Caroline stares at Jade as she shuts the door closed after leaving the band outside. Jade gives her a sheepish smile. "Was that the band you hired to follow the principal around all day?"

"Yeah...they told me they had a two for one thing going on and..." She winces at her mother shaking her head in amusement. "My bad."

"I'll go make us all something to eat," their mother says, heading over to the kitchen.

Caroline and her stare at the band members who are getting into a truck. Her sister squints. "Isn't that the guy you made out with on Elena's birthday?"

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