bad bad dream

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‧₊˚ ☁️⋅♡𓂃 ࣪ ִֶָ☾.

For the first time in over a month, Jade wakes up with a broad smile on her face.

The sunlight fleets in through the windows and makes her room glow. The scent of the vervain plant growing steadily in the corner of her room wafts over to her nose. The bed creaks beneath her as she sits up.

It's only seven thirty, but anticipation flutters in her chest and she throws on her slippers and rushes to the living room. A huge amount of confetti falls over her head as she descends the stairs.

Caroline and her mother both stand above her. "Surprise!!!"

It wasn't really much of a surprise. They did this every year, without fail, right from her fifth birthday. Birthday traditions were the most important thing in the Forbes household.

"Thank you," she hugs first Caroline, and then her mom and beams at them with a smile.

"There's gifts on the couch," Caroline tells her excitedly. She always got more excited about Jade's birthday than she herself did.

Jade opened Caroline's present to find a beautiful new dress. "Oh my god. This is..."

"Wow, I've made her speechless. See mom, I told you my gift is better than yours!"

Jade opens the one from her mother next. It's surprisingly heavy. She shakes the box. "What is it?"

"See for yourself."

Jade opens the box and her jaw drops. "You didn't. No. No way."

Her mother had gotten her a music box. There is a couple in the middle, and the girl looks just like her. Blonde hair in an updo and tiny blue dots for eyes. The guy looks generic enough to look like anybody. Their hands are tightly clasped together and they spin around as the box plays a jazzy tune.

Just a couple months ago she'd passed by one in an antique store and said to her that she would love one like that, if it wasn't so expensive.

"I can't believe you remembered." She hugs her tightly. "Thank you."

Caroline sighs. "I'll win one year, and then you'll see."

"I love your gift, Caroline. In fact, I love it so much, I'm going to wear it tonight."

Caroline's entire face lights up.

‧₊˚ ☁️⋅♡𓂃 ࣪ ִֶָ☾.

Jade makes her way to Stefan's house after that, with two last envelopes in her hand. Why Caroline had made invitations printed out, instead of just sending off texts, she'd never understand. But she had given them to the intended recipients anyway. Alex, then Elena and Bonnie, and now finally Stefan. Caroline was out inviting some other people from the school.

Zach had recently left town, because of the whole situation. Jade didn't blame him. She was just glad he'd be safer elsewhere.

Damon was on the hunt for Vicki somewhere. Jade couldn't be happier that he was not going to be anywhere nearby to ruin this day.

She found the door to the Salvatore wide open as always and rolled her eyes. They would never learn.

She walked into the hall and found Stefan dozing on the sofa. She walked silently up to him and yelled, "ha!" right in his face.

He opened his eyes, and to her disappointment, didn't scream. "You do know I could hear you come in right?"


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