don't pull back

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Jade's head protests the second she tries to open her eyes.

Her senses come back to her all at once. Her skin feels like it's melting. She hears someone screaming around her, but it's the kind of voice that she might hear in a dream. It doesn't sound real. She smells something like ash. From a fire.

Her eyes open at once, and just as she'd guessed, there's a fire all around her.

"No, no," she mutters to herself trying to make herself move.


"Elena? What's...what are we..."

Then she remembers. Klaus had told her that she was the vampire he intended to sacrifice in the ritual. Oh god.

She shook her head to herself. "This isn't happening."

"Jade? Did he...are you a...?"

Jade tried to check herself. She didn't feel blood thirsty or anything. Stefan always kept saying that when you first turn into a vampire, all your senses are heightened, but she didn't feel anything out of the ordinary.

"No. I don't think so. I'm...I feel normal."

Aside from the fire. It was burning her skin, and leaving red marks. She grit her teeth because of the searing pain but most of the marks healed instantly.

"Klaus gave me his blood. I remember. But he didn't kill me."

He had asked Katherine to kill her. She clearly hadn't done it. Jade had no idea why she didn't, but she'd taken a huge risk going against Klaus.

The fire was going to do the job for Klaus. Hers was a lot higher than Elena's and it felt like it was growing steadily.

"Where are we? What happened?"

"We're at the quarry. He brought us here. I'm sorry Jade, I tried to go near you and she put the circle of fire around us and—"

"He's going to win," Jade breathes. No. No.

Think, Jade, think. If she pretended like she was a vampire, and acted as if they'd succeeded, Klaus would sacrifice her in the ritual. But since he hadn't sacrificed a vampire after all the ritual would fail.

She would still be dead. 

Elena tries to get over the circle again but Greta moves her hands and she falls back down.

"Don't bother trying to get through. I spelled the circle. You're trapped. No matter what you do."

"Greta...Please, just- just let her go."

Greta, the witch, just shrugs. "Klaus chose her."

There's a noise from beside them. Jade looks off in the direction with wide eyes. "Who's that?"

"The werewolf."

Jade spots Jules over the fire. Okay, maybe she wasn't mad about her dying. In fact, she might prefer it.

Elena's eyes blaze with anger. "Greta, witches are supposed to maintain the balance in nature. It's your duty to them to keep this curse sealed."

"My duty is to Klaus! The new order."

"Glad to know I still have a dance partner." He turns to the three of them. "Hello, my lovelies. Are we ready?"

Jade looks around, but there's no one for miles.

There's no way out.


The werewolf Jules continues to moan in pain. Jade shuts her eyes to try and pretend whatever's happening isn't happening.

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