we're circles

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"Jade!" Her mother calls, "there's a parcel for you."

She rushes downstairs and takes the large wooden box from the delivery man.

"Did you use my card?"

"Yep. Just some herb I need for science class."

The last thing Jade wants to do when they have two people presently trying to kill them is to go out in public where they were completely exposed from all sides. But unfortunately, when her sister wants something to happen, it happens.

Caroline and their mother had a fight that morning. They always fought a lot, but this time was different. Jade was always on edge when the two of them were in the same room, in fear of her mother discovering that Caroline was a vampire.

She didn't know how she would react, but she knew she wouldn't accept her with open arms. She only hoped she didn't greet her with a stake in the heart.

Upon Caroline's insistence that she was completely fine, they had headed to the newly built public park. This time, all three of them drove together. Caroline was completely silent the entire ride, and it was suffocating.

She and Caroline spent some time painting with Elena. Bonnie hadn't shown up. Damon and Mason were glaring at each other across the room, while Stefan and Elena were shooting each other longing glances, since they were still pretending to be broken up.

She spots Damon suddenly looking like he was choking, and Stefan trying to pat his back. Caroline was staring at their mother who looked like she was leaving the event. Fuck. This was going to turn into another fight.

She and Caroline walk to their mother. "What's wrong?" Her sister demands.

"Nothing. I just have something..."

Caroline's voice turns sour. "You mean work? You've surprised me. You last longer than 5 minutes."

"It's important."

"It always is."

Her mother starts breaking into tears. Jade and Caroline blink at her. They've never seen their mother cry in front of them. "I'm sorry."

She leaves. Caroline's eyes trail after her and Jade frowns looking at where Stefan and Damon had just been. "Something's wrong."

Caroline looks off at nothing. Then she starts walking off into the woods. Without a second thought, Jade follows her. Elena and Alex catch up to them.

"Where are you both going? What's going on?"

"Where did Stefan and Damon go?" Alex asks.

Caroline shushes them harshly. "I need to be able to hear better."

Elena looks at her confused. "Hear wh—" Jade slaps a hand over the girl's mouth. She glares at her.

Caroline gasps after having listened for a while. "Oh god. Stefan and Damon. They're getting attacked."



The four of them start running into the woods, on Caroline's directions. She suddenly stops.

"What is it?"

"They've been here."

She bends down and looks at a plant. There's blood on it. Fuck. Alex looks at her with panic in his eyes.

Mason Lockwood shows himself and Jade reminds herself that he's a werewolf who could easily kill her, and that punching his smug face was a bad idea.

"Have you seen Stefan?" Elena asks, trying to be civil.

𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐁𝐎𝐋𝐓𝐄𝐑 | Stefan SalvatoreWhere stories live. Discover now