if you start to fall

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It was over.

Klaus, Sarah and Elijah had disappeared. Alex did some sleuthing and reported that there had been no more unexplainable deaths in Mystic Falls. Everyone they knew was alive. Except for Isobel and John. Both of Elena's birth parents had died in a single day.

They held a small ceremony for the two of them at the cemetery. Elena, Jenna and Jeremy placed a rose on each of the graves together.

Damon suddenly walks away from the group. Stefan and Jade exchange questioning glances before walking up to him.

"We're going to head back to the house."

Damon doesn't look at them. "I think I'll skip the coffee and tea cakes."

"Damon, we need to be together right now. All of us."

"And then what's the plan, Stefan? The curse is broken. How does one go about killing an all-powerful wolf vamp and his two-faced older brother?"

"I have no idea."

Damon turns around to look at Stefan. "We need to get an idea. Fast."

Jade looks at him confused. "Why the hurry? We have all the time in the world. They don't know Elena's still alive."

Damon shook his head, looking slightly slightly pained. "I wouldn't make any promises, Jade."

Stefan narrows his eyes. "What's that supposed to mean?"

"Tyler Lockwood bit me." Damon pulls up his sleeve. Jade gasps at the bite mark which is slowly spreading like an infection along his arm. Stefan walks over to him with a look of anguish on his face. Damon looks down at the bite, not betraying any emotion. "It's actually more of a nip, really, but there it is."

Stefan takes Damon's arm and examines the bite. He shakes his head, as if refusing to believe it. "We'll find something. A cure."

"There is no cure Stefan."

"We kept Elena human, right? We found the way when there was no way. Hey. We can do this."

"You want to do something for me? Keep this from everyone else. Last thing we need is another grave to mourn."


Jade and Alex had been assigned on suicide watch for Damon. Bonnie, Stefan and Alaric were all looking for a cure. Stefan had outright refused to keep it from everyone, which meant everyone already knew.

Jade and Alex had just reached the Salvatore house. The door was open, as per usual.

"Damon?" She called. There was no answer. She and Alex exchanged a glance before running in.

Damon was passed out on the couch.

Alex shook his head, as he went to open the curtains. "I'm getting major Deja vu right now."

Damon opens one eye and sighs. "Oh, great. It's you two. How is it you always show up when I'm suffering?"

"We have a Damon suffering indicator. It beeps when you brood." Jade tries to get him to sit up. "Come on, you need to get out of the house. We're watching a movie today."

"Which movie?" He asks.

"Gone with the wind."

Damon groans. "If you're supposed to be keeping me from killing myself, you're doing a terrible job."

"Come on! It'll be fun. All our friends will be there."

"Is this some kind of send off thing? Because I'm not going."

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