charmingly helpless

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Caroline had started sneaking around.

She was always terrible at lying and excuses, and Jade had caught on immediately. At first, she thought she had some secret boyfriend. But the truth was far worse.

She had become friends with Tyler Lockwood. And she had told him she was a vampire. And that his bite was lethal to her.

"Are you out of your mind?!"

Caroline holds up her hands placatingly. "Jade—"

"No! Don't Jade me! If he bites you, you're dead!"

"It's okay! We've become friends, he wouldn't bite me."

Jade looks at her with disbelief. "He can't control it, Caroline! Remember our dear friend Mason Lockwood?"

"Jade, I just need you to trust me on this."

"I trust you. I don't trust Tyler freaking Lockwood!" Jade notices a bag in the corner of a room. "Please tell me you're not going over to meet him today. It's a full moon!"

"I know. But I promised I'd help him."

"Make something up! Hell, I'd take a fall down the stairs if you need an excuse."

"Jade! This is important to me."

"Fine. I'll go with you."

Caroline shakes her head continuously. "No! We don't know what a werewolf bite does to a human, but it has to be worse."

Jade raises an eyebrow. "Worse than death?"

"Please Jade. I can't let you get hurt."

"Yeah, and I can't let you get hurt."

"If something goes wrong, I can run away because of my speed. You can't. And if I have to protect you as well as myself, my attention will be divided."

"Stop being logical."

Caroline gives her a small smile. "I got this. Okay?"

"I hope you're right. But I want hourly updates that you're still alive. And if you don't, I will show up."


Still alive.
6:06 pm

Meanwhile, all of them had put Elena on suicide watch. The girl had apparently tried to hand herself over to Klaus, and was still trying to do it.

"She's finally lost it," Damon states, staring at Elena who was trying to find a way out of the house. Bonnie had spelled her to not be able to leave it.

Stefan watches her. "Bonnie trapped her in the house?"

"It's for the best. Trust me. Elena is on a martyr tear that rivals your greatest hits."

Jade shrugs. "I'd do the same in her situation. But I'd be a bit more sneaky."

Jeremy and Bonnie had tried to test if Elena was going to try to hand herself over and she'd failed. Hence why she was currently trapped in the house.

Damon stares at her. "Try a jump."

"Thank you, Damon."

"You're welcome."

"Is this funny to all of you?" She asks.

"Yes Elena. I find hilarity in the lengths that we have to go to repeatedly save your life."

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