all her fucking lives

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Somewhere between her tears, Jade had gotten exhausted enough to fall asleep. The hospital chair had seemed like the most uncomfortable place to take a nap in, but somehow she had managed it without causing much distress to her body.

Because Stefan had not left her side.

She had fallen asleep on his shoulder, and the next time she opened her eyes, she was still in that exact position. It was still dark outside, probably early morning. There was a blanket pulled over both of them. She slowly moved away from Stefan, trying to not wake him up, but he was already awake.

In fact, he didn't look like he'd slept at all. "Were you...awake the whole time?"

"Yeah. I thought...if I slept as well, you could slip off and hurt yourself."

Sometimes Jade wondered how she ever thought she couldn't trust Stefan Salvatore.

"You didn't need to do that," she smiles at him and says, "thank you."


"Where'd the blanket come from?"

"Alex was here a while ago. He dropped off the blanket. And that."

She follows his pointed finger to a basket. A small smile came up on her face without much effort.

"Did Caroline wake up?" She asks Stefan.

"No. The doctors moved out a while ago, but they said she's still not awake."

A voice interrupts them. "Ah. Sleeping beauty is finally up."


Damon casually sauntered up towards her and Stefan with a strange expression on his face. She recognises it immediately and grimaces. "What's wrong?"

Damon purses his lips. "Something bad happened. Really bad. Absolutely horror inducingly bad."

Jade looks at him in disbelief. "Worse than everything that's already happened?"

"Yep. Multiplied by ten million worse. Stefan I'm so glad you're already sitting down for this."

"Stop stalling and tell us what it is," Stefan snaps.

"Katherine is here."

"What?!" Jade gets up and looks around. "Here in the hospital? Caroline—"

"No, not here in the hospital! Here in Mystic Falls."

"Oh." She sits back down. "Well, tell her to get out."

"Why is she here?"

"I don't know. Last night, I went to Elena's house to Jeremy."

Stefan glares at him. Jade knows him well enough to recognise the expression on his face as jealousy. "Did you? To Jeremy?"

𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐁𝐎𝐋𝐓𝐄𝐑 | Stefan SalvatoreWhere stories live. Discover now