cut me deep

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♡₊˚ 🦢・₊ ♪ ✧

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♡₊˚ 🦢・₊ ♪ ✧

It had been a while since everything went down.

There was no sign of Klaus. Or of Rebekah. Or even Stefan. All of them were getting antsy at the silence that ensued after all the chaos and some of them had been getting paranoid about the whole situation.

Especially Bonnie and Elena.

Damon was being Damon about the whole situation. He'd taken up day drinking as a fun hobby. This was him finding out Katherine wasn't in the tomb all over again, except even worse, because this time he'd lost his brother.

Alex and Jade had been keeping an eye on him. He'd even let himself get dragged to therapy with them every now and then.

"I mean, I'm doing fine. It's been days. I had time to mourn. I'm already moving on." He puts an arm around Jade. "I'm already adopting a new sibling."

Jade gently removes his arm from her. "The alcohol in your breath says otherwise. Fix him, please."

"Depression, changes in sleep or eating habits, acting out. It's all very common after the loss of a sibling. What exactly is the main thing you feel right now, Damon? Is it sadness? Anger? Guilt?"

"Check, check and check. All of the above."

"Grief therapy usually works by addressing the specific emotions and pain associated with the loss. So, we can talk about each emotion you're feeling."

Damon blinks at her blankly. "She wants you to explain why you feel sad, angry, guilty," Jade informs him.

"Well, I feel sad because he's gone. Angry because he ruined my plan. And guilty because it's my fault that it happened."

"It's not your fault, Damon."

Damon pulls a face at her. "Everyone keeps telling me that. But I don't believe it. He was in this situation because of me. He went with Klaus to save my stupid life. I've never once been there for him my entire life, and now he's gone! So yes, doctor. It is my fault. Now, please tell me how I fix this."

"There's a few steps you can take to deal with it. Keeping a grief journal could be one."

Damon groans. "Keeping journals is Stefan's thing. Not mine." He tilts his head. "I could turn my own humanity off."

Jade glares at him. That was the last thing Mystic Falls needed. "Do that and I'll stake you myself."

Damon looks over at Alex, who's also writing something in a book. "And what are you doing?"

Alex looks up at them. "Making a list. How to survive in Mystic Falls: step number one, don't come to Mystic Falls."

Damon rolls his eyes just as Dr. Linda looks up from her notebook. "You could find a new hobby. Something to distract you?"

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