hearts are hers

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An entire summer. That was how long it had been since Jade Forbes had last laid eyes on Stefan Salvatore.

Realising her feelings for him the day she lost him was possibly the worst thing that could have happened to her, but she was dealing with it just fine. She had months to deal with it. She was doing great.

Jade had completely ignored everything that happened and thrown herself into her studies.

She had been doing experiments and taking notes non stop. Caroline had compelled the security guards to let her in the schools and laboratories whenever she felt like it and wipe all the cameras, which meant she had access to even more resources than usual. And she didn't have to go to the Salvatore house which was a constant reminder of the guy she had spent the entire summer missing.

Although there was enough of that at her own house. Her mother was tracking 'animal attacks' for Damon, who hadn't stopped looking for Stefan ever since he was gone. Alex was helping him, partly because he wanted the experience for his future career, but also because he just wanted to spend more time with Damon.

Sometimes when she did her experiments, Caroline joined her. Sometimes Damon and Alex did. So did Elena and Jeremy. Bonnie had gone over to her dad's for the summer and she hadn't seen a lot of her, but she sometimes talked to her on video calls or skype. Her sister had spent quite a while pining over Tyler Lockwood, which irritated her immensely, but there was nothing she could do to stop her.

As long as she was happy.

She felt Stefan's absence immensely. It had only been one month, but with each passing day, a little bit of her hope that she would ever seen him again chipped away and faded into dust.

She wondered what Klaus had done to him. Based on the trail of bodies the two of them had left in their wake, it wasn't anything good. Damon seemed to think that the people who were killed were Stefan's victims and not Klaus's, which gave her a slightly sick feeling in her gut.

Lexi had gone radio silent. She was in Paris, based on her travel calender, but Jade hadn't heard from her in a while. She was probably enjoying a nice vacation with her husband Lee.

She had spent the last few weeks ignoring the fact that Stefan was likely never coming back, but Caroline organizing Elena's birthday party at the Salvatore boarding house forced her to face it.

"Happy Birthday!" Jade said, with a peppiness she didn't feel, as she saw Elena entering the house.

Elena gave her a hug. "Thank you."

𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐁𝐎𝐋𝐓𝐄𝐑 | Stefan SalvatoreWhere stories live. Discover now