then came out alive

538 31 19


Jade wakes up when someone's elbow hits her square in the face. She slaps whoever it is without opening her eyes.

"Hey!" Elena says.

"I'm not sorry."

Someone's phone starts ringing and everyone groans.

"Turn that off," Damon orders.

Stefan lifts his head up. "Whose is it?"

"My bad," Jeremy says.

Bonnie is asleep on the couch beside Caroline, who slowly wakes up, making Bonnie fall to the floor.



Alex puts his face in his pillow and groans. "What time is it?"

Somebody clears their throat. Jade's eyes fly open to see Alaric looking at their entire group. They all slowly start to wake up.

"Sorry, the door was open. It's ten in the morning. I went to Elena's house, but... nobody was there."

"Jenna's got some historical society thing with some writer guy. She's been gathering papers and stuff."

"Elena, shut up. I'm trying to sleep," her brother says. She hits him with a pillow.

"Yeah... about the historical society thing. Guess who the writer is."

"Is it you?" Jade asks.


She shrugs. "Then I don't know."

"It's Elijah."

Jade's sleep dissipates. "Please tell me it's not the one we know."

"It's him."

Damon gets up with a groan. "Great. Thanks a lot, Ric."

He puts an arm around Alaric and leads him out of the house. Everyone else starts to leave as well, after asking her and Caroline a lot of times if they were sure they felt okay. It was thankfully a Sunday, so there were no reasons to worry about skipping any more days.

Jade stayed with Stefan to take care of the blankets.

"You don't need to do that. Especially after last night."

"I feel fine. I'm all healed."

Stefan uses his vampire speed to snatch the blanket she was folding. She glares at him and picks up another one. He repeats his actions.

Jade throws her hands up. "Stefan!"

"Take it easy. Alright?"

"Yeah, because folding blankets is such a rigourous task."

"Ooh. Bringing out the big words now, are we?"

"Must be all the time I spend with old ass vampires like you and Damon."

"You know what, Jade?"

"What, Stefan?"

"I'm going to be your personal bodyguard from now on. You're not going anywhere without me by your side."

"Nice way of letting me know that you don't have anything better to do," Jade says, "I mean what about you and Elena? You can't be with me if you've got a date."

"Elena and I are done for good. We're just friends now."

Jade's mind wandered. Date. Grill. Paxton. Oh shit. Her eyes widened. She completely forgot.

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